LL-L "Traditions" 2008.01.27 (05) [E]

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Sun Jan 27 14:46:17 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  27 January 2008 - Volume 05

From: heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk <heatherrendall at tiscali.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Traditions" 2008.01.26 (07) [E]

Tom Mac Rae wrote
"When I'm playing down the lane and want to know the time.
I pick a dandelion clock and say this little rhyme.
'Fairy clock so light and gay,
Oh tell me , please,  the time of day,
Before you fly away.'

Slightly different version from Sussex c 1950s
"Dandelion, Dandelion
What time of Day
(gentle blow)
One o'clock
(gentle blow)
Two o'clock
(gentle blow)
Three and   (very strong blow)  and away!"
The idea being that the 4th blow removes all the head

Alternatively one just blew until all the seeds had gone and the number of
blows = the time. But somehow this never seemed as satisfactory because at
10 a.m. one knew that it would not need 10 blows, however gentle, to blow
all the seeds away. So the rhyme was preferred.

Perhaps I should have said 'puffs' not 'blows' as the latter is ambiguous!
Best wishes
from a dry Worcestershire where the sun is shining ( hoorah!) and despite a
chill wind, we have snowdrops, violets and hazel catkins and buds galore!



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