LL-L "Traditions" 2008.05.07 (01) [E]

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Wed May 7 14:39:15 UTC 2008


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L O W L A N D S - L  - 07 May 2008 - Volume 01
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From: Maria Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L "Traditions" 2008.05.06 (01) [E]

Hi all,

Heather, my parents announced new siblings with a simple 'ma verwag 'n baba"
(mother expects a baby), all of whom were born at home under the guidance of
a nursing sister and my father.



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Traditions

Elsie and all,

The three oldest of us were born at home, too, assisted by our local midwife
-- German *Hebamme* (lit. "lifting nurse/nanny"), Low Saxon *Moder/Mudder
Griepsch* (lit. "Mother Grab"). Those were the olden days when a midwife was
more than a midwife: she would periodically check on the children for years,
sometimes until they hit puberty, or she would stop you in the street and
interrogate you. I remember ours with a large, black bag on a large, black
bicycle -- a tough old bird.

I don't think our parents seriously tried to sell us the stork myth. Well,
they may have when we were very little. They had a hard time as it was with
the ones about Santa Claus, Father Christmas and Easter Bunny, and they soon
realized that we pretended believing in them for quite some time. It's not
as though their schemes were very elaborate or consistent and that they
could fool reasonably intelligent children. Besides, I could always tell my
father's sense of amusement when it came to these things. He liked to add
flourishes to them, and that tended to be his undoing. Remember that, when I
asked him who would visit us on Whitsunday (Pentecost) if the Bunny visited
us on Easter, he said "The Whitsun Bull" (*Pfingstbulle*, *Pingsbull*). For
me that was the last straw, the turning point.




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