<div style="text-align: center; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">=========================================================================<br>L O W L A N D S - L - 18 April 2008 - Volume 04<br style="color: rgb(102, 102, 102);">
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=========================================================================<br></div><br style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">From: </span><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;" class="HcCDpe"><span class="EP8xU" style="color: rgb(0, 104, 28);">jonny</span> <span class="lDACoc"><<a href="mailto:jonny.meibohm@arcor.de">jonny.meibohm@arcor.de</a>></span></span><br style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">
<span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">Subject: </span><span class="HcCDpe"><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">LL-L "Media" 2008.04.17 (02) [E]</span><br><br></span><div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">Beste
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">'Ehre, wem Ehre
gebühret' ('honor to whom honor is due').</font></span></div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">In Platt:
"Graod'leyr ouk, miin Jung! Hesst' reell verdeynt!!"</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">Though I (because
of -by professional reasons- lack of time) am more or less off-line LL-L
I cannot keep silent this time. Very best, Alter! Congratulations!
And appearing specially in my/our regional paper! Great!</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">But- considering the last sentences of the
interview in which you gave way to your legal wishes X-AntiVirus: checked by AntiVir MailGuard (Version: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>; AVE: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>; VDF: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)
to activate more (native, LS-native) people to take part in nds.wikipedia
(the wiki-project in [German based] Low Saxon) I felt forced to react. At
this point I have to add my comment, I fear:</font></span></div>
<div><span><font color="#008080" face="Courier New"><strong>"Ut Cuxhoben, ut Land Hodeln oder Kehdingen
oder Wursten oder wo se ans noch herkomen
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">You mention some
regions perhaps famous for having kept a respectable level, even skill of
Low Saxon language, there possibly being alive and somehow in
everyday's use.</font></span></div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">I fear your
animation could go into vacuity because of the fact that the greater part
of all the folks you consider to be able to <u>speak</u> Low Saxon (still, but
dying out!) are not at all interested to <u>write</u> it.</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">Sorry,
man- this is no animosity I want to express or overcover you with, but:
the majority of these people (of about my age or older) you
might bear in mind to take part never have learned Low Saxon,
Neddersassisch or Nedersaksisch. All of them just have learned 'Platt',
so as I ha</font></span><span><font face="Courier New">ve done.</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And that is
very different from any artificial written, Old- or Middle-Saxon
derived language. These people are not interested to describe
scientifically how the wheel had been invented...</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">Well- let me once
again try to explain my own point of view.</font></span></div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">When
(6?) years ago I had started in posting on LL-L I had been convinced
here I might be able to preserve the relics of a language I am watching going to
die, and I started to write, to write and to write again- 'as mi de Snuut wussen
weyr' ('by guess and by gosh').</font></span></div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And at the same
time I tried to do similar actions on nds.wiki- a good year or
two before a young 'notorious' ;-) M.B. came across this new
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And there I quit
when the western neighbours were forced to make up their own, seperatistical
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And here I quit
because of some dissonances with a certain R.F.H. ;-)...</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And then I came
back here and tried continuing to write Low Saxon
with letters according to my own spelling style- German-based-, and
later became encouraged and this time also enlighted by an (again
'certain') R.F. Hahn to even go one step further, namely to adapt some effects
near to the Hanse style of typing. (First I did hate it, but today my [written]
Platt would be poor without it, beste Reinhard!)</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And
then- within a period of about four years- I realized that my home
language got spoiled. Often when I talked (in LS, better: 'Platt') to my
friends and neighbours they asked me: "What the hell is the matter with your
'Platt'? Have you been in Ostfriesland (Eastern Frisian) again?" And-
believe it or don't: I was (and still am) unable to read aloud my own
textes, if they were/are not written
<strong><u>exactly</u></strong> describing my regional
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And now I'm
definitely aware of the fact that it could be a sin to <u>write</u>
Low Saxon if you are (as me) a real, practised <u>speaker</u> of
a definated regional dialect.</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font color="#ff0000" face="Courier New">(Sorry for those about twenty uses of 'I's'/'me's' above, but all
of that is a summary of long talks and discussions with like-minded persons and
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">Why do you think
that 'güstern' is a better spelled word for 'yesterday' than 'güsstern'? In
German and LS a 'Güster' (pl: 'Güstern') is a fish, and it is pronounced
with a long '_ü_'-umlaut!</font></span></div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And over here is no
chance for a wren to (heavily) 'böör opp' its miniscule leg in our Platt- it
always has to 'lüch' (='leicht') opp' that pintsized </font></span><span><font face="Courier New">tootsy!</font></span></div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And 'geel snacken'
here does mean 'to speak Standard (='high') German', too, but in the first
and basic meaning it still is 'gestelzt reden', 'to speak stiltedly' (MG:
<div><span><font face="Courier New">I know, you perhaps
might know, but - later generations <u>don't</u> and could miss this
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And so
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">Sometimes I think
Marless [Marlou Lessing] and Gabriele [Kahn] seem to be the only
ones having grasped my personal point of view.</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">I cannot
<u>write</u> Low Saxon because I am used to <u>speak</u> Lower Elbe
<em><strong>Platt</strong></em>. And that is, by all means and the
hell, not a language to be written.</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">Please, try to
understand my position and don't worry and 'quorry';-)!</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">My duty and
intention as far as LS is concerned is to collect words and important idioms ,
to write them down (e.g. here, on LL-L) in descriptive letters and thus to hand
them down to later generations (for whatever use...).</font></span></div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And to be a
keeper of the purity and 'smell of dung' as often as it could
be necessary ;-).</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div><span><font face="Courier New">And all of that
I'll do in awareness of the imperfection inherent to me as well
(more than!) as to all human beings...</font></span></div>
<div><span></span> </div>
<div align="left">Allerbest<span>; houl Dii
<div align="left"> </div>
<div align="left">Jonny Meibohm</div></div><br><span class="HcCDpe"><br></span><br><br><br>