[My-hm] Another MY/HM workshop inKyoto?

ytaguchi at chiba-u.jp ytaguchi at chiba-u.jp
Thu Feb 1 05:20:05 UTC 2018

Dear colleagues,

I think that everybody in this ML has received an annuncement from 
Huziwara about the next ICSTLL meeting in Kyoto (if not, you can find a 
copy in the attachment).
In the announcement he invites a proposal of workshop for the meeting.
So, how about getting together in another MY/HM workshop?
Nerida kindly organized a wonderful workshop in Singapore, and it would 
be nice to have another one in Kyoto. 
Could you please tell me if you have a plan to join the Kyoto meeting?

Best regards,
Yoshihisa Taguchi

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