Pomaro dialect

Art Ludwig odesign at sprynet.com
Mon Apr 5 00:51:55 UTC 1999

John F. Schwaller wrote:
> Over the last two weeks the list had a great discussion of the Pomero
> dialect...

Yes, thanks for the rich responses to my query.  I stand humbled (hey-I
never could spell) and enlightened, and have gained ten years worth of
good direction for my project. I'll do my best to turn it into something
good in however many weeks I end up having to apply to it!



Art Ludwig
Oasis Design
Ecological Design publishing & consulting
5 San Marcos Trout Club, Santa Barbara, CA 93105-9726, Fax: 805 967-3229
Phone: 967-9956
<http://odesign.home.sprynet.com>        <odesign at sprynet.com>

I'm back in the office for at least a few months & will be checking e
mail every other day.

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