Nahuatl status (ii)

mike gaby mikegaby at
Fri Dec 10 20:38:14 UTC 1999

Nahuatl is alive and well in the california penal system.  Inmates use it as
a coded language the guards cannot understand

>From: Yaoxochitl at
>Reply-To: nahuat-l at
>To: Multiple recipients of list <nahuat-l at>
>Subject: Re: Nahuatl status (ii)
>Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1999 09:44:36 -0700
>I'll answer your query Leonel.  I too have heard that there  are about 1.5
>million speakers of Nahuatl.  A friend of mine who is a "danzante"
>with fellow Mexicah dancers down in D.F. and according to him the language
>alive and well, in fact, gaining momentum with non-speakers to learn it
>  It appears that there might be a Nahuatl "fever" spreading throughout
>though here in the U.S. nobody hears about it.  I believe Nahuatl will
>even with encroachment of Spanish unleashed by the Mexican government's
>language policies on its mother tongues.  The majority of Mexicans regard
>their native language as socioeconomically backwards even going as far as
>expressing self-hatred by labelling Nahuatl speakers as "indio."
>in the sense that these same Mexicans that insult and belittle, not only
>Nahuatl speakers but all speakers of an indigenous language, most likely
>native blood running through their veins themselves since about 90% of the
>population of Mexico constitutes mixed and full-blooded indigena.  I am
>drifting into other topics here, but the bottom line is, Nahuatl will

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