About human sacrifice.

Mel Sanchez melesan at pacbell.net
Sun Jul 25 07:17:41 UTC 1999

I was hoping that Brad had something substantial to say, but after
reading his other email and looking at the website that represents his
ideas I found nothing substantial.  I apologize to the list.

To add to the real question, I read an article in a prominent Native
American journal by a Univ of Texas professor about 15 misconceptions
about the Aztecs, one of them being that they actually did human
sacrifice.  My amateur knowledge (including studying recently with Mary
Miller at Yale) was there is much evidence to indicate they did practice

When I find the article I will site it on this listserv.  I brought up
the topic, citing the source, with the Aztlan list but no one ever
responded to the query.  Perhaps some on this listserv would be
interested in reading his article and either critiquing or supporting it
with whatever schalarly knowledge may have in acquired.

Take care, Mel

Brad Smith wrote:
>  know that Brad has been criticized for his comment on sacrifices.  I
> think that he was not making reference to racial or ethnic group of
> people but rather to a class of people---the nobles.  When we look at
> history, it is those with power and authority that abuse those who do
> the building.  Take a closer look at his comment and at history.
> Am I wrong?
> Mel
>    You are exactly correct.
> We are the Thule Foundation, not in any way connected to the Thule
> Society,
>    We see  by the answers to our e-mail that ignorance and
> misunderstanding is caused because people just run off at the mouth and
> do not do proper reserarch or even READ the material presented to them,
> but jump off into some conclusion that fits the need for their lazy
> minds.
>  I have tried and tried to resign from this list to no avail.

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