Nahuatl Word Recognition I

R. Joe Campbell campbel at
Mon Jul 26 19:35:25 UTC 1999

   Some of us are interested mainly in culture and history and others
mainly in language.  But that doesn't mean that most of us aren't
interested in some degree in *all* of it.  My main interest is in the
mechanics of words and *how* they mean what they mean.  My interest in the
application of this is how a person develops fluency in word recognition
and reading in Nahuatl.  "Had we but world enough and time..." we could
depend on osmosis (and I don't deny that osmosis has its place), but most
of us have finite lives, so some efficiency is in order.
   Despite the recent interest in more speculative topics, I believe that
we have something to gain from looking at the nuts and bolts of the
language.  I offer an interesting question (at least, I found it
interesting when it dawned on me):


1. what does it mean?
2. *how* does it mean? (i.e., what are its meaning parts?)
3. is it ambiguous?


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