Language of the Olmecs

Peter Selverstone peter at
Tue Jul 27 00:50:38 UTC 1999

Lloyd wrote:

>[I think this discussion rightly belongs on the AZTLAN email list,
>rather than on the Nahaut-l list,
>and am transferring a copy of this there, hoping we will continue it
>there.  I responded on Nahuat-l to an assumption expressed here,
>and should have attempted to transfer lists earlier.  Those not interested
>can of course delete this message.]

Let me propose something else, Lloyd.

You state that:

>near-circularities of the reasoning lying behind
>many of the specific hypotheses of how to read the text, and thus
>beyind the hypothesis of Proto-Zoque language

If this is true, then it is unlikely that the "model for language structure,
sign values, and spelling conventions" proposed by K & J are essentially
correct.  Within a few years, I expect the scholarly community will achieve
some consensus on these questions and it will be clear whether their
hypothesis concerning the language was correct and, if correct, was
justified.  Let's adjourn this discussion until that happens.  Peter.

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