still a few questions (fwd)

R. Joe Campbell campbel at
Mon Oct 25 02:38:47 UTC 1999

Same as preceding message........

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 11:28:58 -0500 (EST)
From: "R. Joe Campbell" <campbel at>
To: Leonel Hermida <leonelhermida at>
Cc: nahuat-list <nahuat-l at>
Subject: Re: still a few questions

   Just a follow-up about causatives:  this matching exercise combines
what one knows, what one can guess, and leaves you with the residue to
wonder about.  *But* all of the answers are at the bottom, so you are left
with no pain.  Of course, you would spoil the fun for yourself if you
peeked at the answers too early.

I'm off today for a 3-4 day visit in Illinois and unfortunately I don't
have access to e-mail there.



          Causative Verbs          exercise  01

1.   caquia                        1.   he puts it
2.   cololoa                       2.   it forms knots
3.   mictilo                       3.   it is mixed
4.   mixtia                        4.   it is sown
5.   moneloa                       5.   he is killed
6.   mopixoa                       6.   he loosens it
7.   quimana                       7.   he piles it up
8.   quitoma                       8.   he puts it in

          Causative Verbs          exercise  02

1.   matilia                       1.   abstain from it!
2.   molinia                       2.   he pays something
3.   moxeloa                       3.   he saddens someone
4.   nitlate:nqui:xtia             4.   it is split, divided
5.   te:tlao:coltia                5.   it melts
6.   tlacoto:na                    6.   it moves
7.   tlaxtla:hua                   7.   I pronounce something
8.   xicmoca:hualti                8.   he cuts something

          Causative Verbs          exercise  03

1.   cahxitia                      1.   he pours something out
2.   catlilia                      2.   he twists something
3.   coni:tia                      3.   it provides him drink
4.   monextia                      4.   he appears (he causes himself to appear)
5.   quizaloa                      5.   he glues it
6.   tetlatia                      6.   he has her drink it
7.   tlachaya:hua                  7.   he makes someone hide
8.   tlacoloa                      8.   he reaches it

          Causative Verbs          exercise  04

1.   conihtlacoah                  1.   I tame it, I domesticate it
2.   hualxinachpixoah              2.   he angers s.o.
3.   mopilhuahtia                  3.   he notifies s.o. of s.t.
4.   nictlacahcihuitia             4.   they harm it
5.   nimitzpahtia                  5.   they let him carry it on his back
6.   quima:ma:ltiah                6.   they scatter seeds
7.   te:cuala:niltia               7.    it begets its young
8.   te:tlamachi:tia               8.   I cure you

          Causative Verbs          exercise  05

1.   ca:pitzaltiz                  1.   it gushes up, it spurts
2.   compehualti                   2.   I embellish something
3.   mocacalaquiah                 3.   he caused it to begin (began it)
4.   motlahpaloa                   4.   he dares
5.   nitlacualnextia               5.   it will give him diarrhea
6.   onmopiyazoa                   6.   they give her a necklace
7.   quicozcatiah                  7.   they successively enter
8.   tontlecahuiayah               8.   they took him up

          Causative Verbs          exercise  06

1.   conhuehcatiliah               1.    it makes one weep
2.   nicnamictia                   2.   I join it
3.   quihui:caltiah                3.   he causes s.o. to laugh
4.   quintlacatiliah               4.   he lifts it
5.   quitlehco:ltia                5.   it makes one salivate
6.   te:cho:ctia                   6.   they defer it, they delay it
7.   te:huezcatia                  7.   they give them human form
8.   teiztlacmemeyaltia            8.   they make him take it with him

          Causative Verbs          exercise  07

1.   nictlamela:hualtia            1.   I injure someone with flowers
2.   niquihnecuiltia               2.   he makes something bitter
3.   niquinnezo:ma:ltia            3.   I cause him to smell it
4.   nitexochimictia               4.   I make it straight
5.   quichichilia                  5.   I make them hate each other
6.   quintlacualtia                6.   he gives s.o. faith in s.t.
7.   quitenectia                   7.   he makes it desirable to others
8.   te:tlaneltoquitia             8.   he provides them food

          Causative Verbs          exercise  08

1.   o:quimahuiztiliayah           1.   he carries someone across the river
2.   o:quimihxitiaya               2.   he lowers s.t.; he digests
3.   o:titlahuetzquitih            3.   he makes someone arrive
4.   quite:mi:tia                  4.   he woke them
5.   te:ehcahuia                   5.   one who delivers babies
6.   te:panahuia                   6.   they honored him
7.   temi:xihuitiani               7.   you caused laughter
8.   tlatemohuia                   8.   he fills it

          Causative Verbs          exercise  09

1.   mocaxania                     1.   he builds a house for him
2.   mochantia                     2.   he displays it, he shows it
3.   moma:qui:xtiqueh              3.   he dwells
4.   mozcaltia                     4.   he has a relapse
5.   o:quiqui:xtih                 5.   he is brought up, matured, educated
6.   quicaltia                     6.   he makes someone sleep
7.   quinextia                     7.   he removed it
8.   te:cochi:tia                  8.   they escaped

          Causative Verbs          exercise  10

1.   mocoxonia                     1.   I make something chili-red
2.   mocuicuicatia                 2.   he adds it, he mixes it in
3.   nitlachichiloa                3.   he causes s.t. to be fragrant
4.   quicehuia                     4.   he kills him
5.   quimaquia                     5.   he puts it on
6.   quimictia                     6.   he sings
7.   quina:mictia                  7.   it is pulverized, powdered
8.   tlaahhuialia                  8.   it relieves it, it cools it

          Causative Verbs          exercise  11

1.   cahualtilozqueh               1.   he fulfills it; he testifies it
2.   chololtiloz                   2.   he will be pursued
3.   momauhtih                     3.   injury to the tongue
4.   nenenepilcualtiliztli         4.   she became frightened
5.   quichipinia                   5.   they enlarge it
6.   quihue:iliah                  6.   he drips it
7.   quimicximimictia              7.   he paralyzes their feet
8.   quineltilia                   8.   they will be weaned

          Causative Verbs          exercise  12

1.   namechtlahpaloa               1.   I feed it grains of maize
2.   nictlaolcualtia               2.   he causes s.t. to become hard
3.   quicaquitia                   3.   I animate y'all
4.   quinxotlaltiz                 4.   he causes s.o. to give s.t. to s.o.
5.   quiyo:litiz                   5.   he informs him of it
6.   te:te:tlamaqui:ltia           6.   he will cause them to sprout
7.   teihzotlaltia                 7.   he will put life into it
8.   tlatetilia                    8.   it makes people vomit

          Causative Verbs          exercise  13

1.   anquipoloah                   1.   he causes s.t. to become sour
2.   cuauhxeloa                    2.   he has them drink
3.   mohuacaloa                    3.   he splits wood
4.   moyahualoah                   4.   it is hollowed
5.   quima:tlitia                  5.   they are arranged in a circle
6.   quixhualtia                   6.   you dishonor yourself
7.   timihzoloa                    7.   he causes it to sprout
8.   tlaxocolia                    8.   y'all destroy it

          Causative Verbs          exercise  14

1.   caa:huiltiz                   1.   he kills dogs
2.   conpaloltia                   2.   it rots it
3.   itzcuinmictia                 3.   they trouble him
4.   mopehualtia                   4.    he will amuse him
5.   nea:huiltilo                  5.   she makes him taste it
6.   netlamamaltilo                6.   there is merry-making
7.   quicocomoniah                 7.   there was carrying on their backs
8.   quipalanaltia                 8.   they fight each other

          Causative Verbs          exercise  15

1.   compachoah                    1.   he bred dogs
2.   contilinia                    2.   it is rolled
3.   mochalaniah                   3.   they press it
4.   momimiloa                     4.   I drill it, I perforate it
5.   motzoyonia                    5.   he boils it
6.   niccoyonia                    6.   he pulls it, draws on it
7.   oitzcuinnemiti                7.   it is cooked
8.   quipozonia                    8.   they contend

          Causative Verbs          exercise  16

1.   chichinolo                    1.   he is consumed by fire
2.   conchololtiah                 2.   he is given the name
3.   mitztololtizqueh              3.   he makes someone weep
4.   motocayotia                   4.   it blossoms
5.   moxochyotia                   5.   they make it bloom
6.   o:mozaloh                     6.   they pass over it
7.   quicueponaltiah               7.   they will make you swallow it
8.   te:cho:qui:tia                8.   it was mended, it was stuck together

          Causative Verbs          exercise  17

1.   a:qui:xtia                    1.   he causes s.o. to laugh
2.   monamictia                    2.   he makes people laugh
3.   moqui:xtia                    3.   it is extracted
4.   motleyotia                    4.   I teach it (e.g., animal)
5.   nicmachtia                    5.   he gets married
6.   te:ahxitia                    6.   he is made famous
7.   te:huezquitia                 7.   he presses out water
8.   tehuetzquitia                 8.   he takes s.o., he makes s.o. arrive

          Causative Verbs          exercise  18

1.   momeyaltiah                   1.   I show it to you, I make you see it
2.   moyolihtlacoa                 2.   he cleanses it, he makes it good
3.   necochitiloh                  3.   he is offended
4.   nimitzittitia                 4.   they are given human form
5.   quica:hualtiayah              5.   they are put to sleep
6.   quicualtilia                  6.   they caused him to abandon it
7.   quitlahuantia                 7.   they produce semen
8.   tetlacatililoh                8.   it makes him drunk

          Causative Verbs          exercise  19

1.   contlecuitiah                 1.   he honors himself
2.   mocotzoyotia                  2.   he sprinkles it
3.   momahuiztilia                 3.   I shame him
4.   nicpinauhtia                  4.   he causes s.o. to close s.t.
5.   quimpaquiltia                 5.   he dresses s.o. in something
6.   quitzetzeloa                  6.   he gives them contentment
7.   te:tlaque:miltia              7.   it forms a resin
8.   te:tlatzacui:ltia             8.   they set it on fire

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  1

1  mictilo                       he is killed
2  quitoma                       he loosens it
3  cololoa                       he piles it up
4  caquia                        he put it in
5  quimana                       he puts it
6  mixtia                        it forms knots
7  moneloa                       it is mixed
8  mopixoa                       it is sown

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  2

1  moxeloa                       it is split, divided
2  matilia                       it melts
3  molinia                       it moves
4  te:tlao:coltia                he saddens someone
5  tlaxtla:hua                   he pays something
6  xicmoca:hualti                abstain from it!
7  tlacoto:na                    he cuts something
8  nitlate:nqui:xtia             I pronounce something

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  3

1  monextia                      he appears (he causes himself to appear)
2  quizaloa                      he glues it
3  coni:tia                      he has her drink it
4  tetlatia                      he makes someone hide
5  cahxitia                      he reaches it
6  tlacoloa                      he twists something
7  catlilia                      it provides him drink
8  tlachaya:hua                  he pours something out

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  4

1  quima:ma:ltiah                they let him carry it on his back
2  te:cuala:niltia               he angers s.o.
3  te:tlamachi:tia               he notifies s.o. of s.t.
4  hualxinachpixoah              they scatter seeds
5  conihtlacoah                  they harm it
6  nictlacahcihuitia             I tame it, I domesticate it
7  mopilhuahtia                   it begets its young
8  nimitzpahtia                  I cure you

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  5

1  tontlecahuiayah               they took him up
2  nitlacualnextia               I embellish something
3  motlahpaloa                   he dares
4  compehualti                   he caused it to begin (began it)
5  ca:pitzaltiz                  it will give him diarrhea
6  mocacalaquiah                 they successively enter
7  quicozcatiah                  they give her a necklace
8  onmopiyazoa                   it gushes up, it spurts

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  6

1  quihui:caltiah                they make him take it with him
2  te:huezcatia                  he causes s.o. to laugh
3  conhuehcatiliah               they defer it, they delay it
4  quintlacatiliah               they give them human form
5  teiztlacmemeyaltia            it makes one salivate
6  quitlehco:ltia                he lifts it
7  te:cho:ctia                    it makes one weep
8  nicnamictia                   I join it

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  7

1  quitenectia                   he makes it desirable to others
2  quintlacualtia                he provides them food
3  niquihnecuiltia               I cause him to smell it
4  nictlamela:hualtia            I make it straight
5  te:tlaneltoquitia             he gives s.o. faith in s.t.
6  niquinnezo:ma:ltia            I make them hate each other
7  quichichilia                  he makes something bitter
8  nitexochimictia               I injure someone with flowers

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  8

1  o:titlahuetzquitih            you caused laughter
2  te:panahuia                   he carries someone across the river
3  tlatemohuia                   he lowers s.t.; he digests
4  te:ehcahuia                   he makes someone arrive
5  temi:xihuitiani               one who delivers babies
6  o:quimahuiztiliayah           they honored him
7  o:quimihxitiaya               he woke them
8  quite:mi:tia                  he fills it

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  9

1  te:cochi:tia                  he makes someone sleep
2  o:quiqui:xtih                 he removed it
3  moma:qui:xtiqueh              they escaped
4  quicaltia                     he builds a house for him
5  quinextia                     he displays it, he shows it
6  mochantia                     he dwells
7  mocaxania                     he has a relapse
8  mozcaltia                     he is brought up, matured, educated

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  10

1  quimictia                     he kills him
2  quimaquia                     he puts it on
3  mocoxonia                     it is pulverized, powdered
4  quicehuia                     it relieves it, it cools it
5  tlaahhuialia                  he causes s.t. to be fragrant
6  mocuicuicatia                 he sings
7  nitlachichiloa                I make something chili-red
8  quina:mictia                  he adds it, he mixes it in

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  11

1  momauhtih                     she became frightened
2  nenenepilcualtiliztli         injury to the tongue
3  quineltilia                   he fulfills it; he testifies it
4  quihue:iliah                  they enlarge it
5  chololtiloz                   he will be pursued
6  cahualtilozqueh               they will be weaned
7  quimicximimictia              he paralyzes their feet
8  quichipinia                   he drips it

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  12

1  quicaquitia                   he informs him of it
2  quiyo:litiz                   he will put life into it
3  namechtlahpaloa               I animate y'all
4  teihzotlaltia                 it makes people vomit
5  quinxotlaltiz                 he will cause them to sprout
6  te:te:tlamaqui:ltia           he causes s.o. to give s.t. to s.o.
7  nictlaolcualtia               I feed it grains of maize
8  tlatetilia                    he causes s.t. to become hard

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  13

1  tlaxocolia                    he causes s.t. to become sour
2  quima:tlitia                  he has them drink
3  cuauhxeloa                    he splits wood
4  mohuacaloa                    it is hollowed
5  timihzoloa                    you dishonor yourself
6  moyahualoah                   they are arranged in a circle
7  anquipoloah                   y'all destroy it
8  quixhualtia                   he causes it to sprout

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  14

1  conpaloltia                   she makes him taste it
2  mopehualtia                   they fight each other
3  nea:huiltilo                  there is merry-making
4  caa:huiltiz                    he will amuse him
5  netlamamaltilo                there was carrying on their backs
6  itzcuinmictia                 he kills dogs
7  quicocomoniah                 they trouble him
8  quipalanaltia                 it rots it

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  15

1  niccoyonia                    I drill it, I perforate it
2  quipozonia                    he boils it
3  contilinia                    he pulls it, draws on it
4  motzoyonia                    it is cooked
5  mochalaniah                   they contend
6  oitzcuinnemiti                he bred dogs
7  momimiloa                     it is rolled
8  compachoah                    they press it

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  16

1  o:mozaloh                     it was mended, it was stuck together
2  chichinolo                    he is consumed by fire
3  conchololtiah                 they pass over it
4  mitztololtizqueh              they will make you swallow it
5  quicueponaltiah               they make it bloom
6  motocayotia                   he is given the name
7  moxochyotia                   it blossoms
8  te:cho:qui:tia                he makes someone weep

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  17

1  te:huezquitia                 he causes s.o. to laugh
2  tehuetzquitia                 he makes people laugh
3  nicmachtia                    I teach it (e.g., animal)
4  monamictia                    he gets married
5  motleyotia                    he is made famous
6  a:qui:xtia                    he presses out water
7  te:ahxitia                    he takes s.o., he makes s.o. arrive
8  moqui:xtia                    it is extracted

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  18

1  momeyaltiah                   they produce semen
2  quicualtilia                  he cleanses it, he makes it good
3  tetlacatililoh                they are given human form
4  necochitiloh                  they are put to sleep
5  moyolihtlacoa                 he is offended
6  nimitzittitia                 I show it to you, I make you see it
7  quica:hualtiayah              they caused him to abandon it
8  quitlahuantia                 it makes him drunk

         Causative Verbs    exercise key  19

1  te:tlaque:miltia              he dresses s.o. in something
2  nicpinauhtia                  I shame him
3  quimpaquiltia                 he gives them contentment
4  contlecuitiah                 they set it on fire
5  mocotzoyotia                  it forms a resin
6  te:tlatzacui:ltia             he causes s.o. to close s.t.
7  quitzetzeloa                  he sprinkles it
8  momahuiztilia                 he honors himself

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