itech 5

R. Joe Campbell campbel at
Sat Oct 30 15:06:25 UTC 1999

601. itech monequi, in aquin totonqui *itech* motlalia: in inacayo
      it is required by one upon whom a fever has settled, whose
     body is swollen. (b.11 f.18 p.182).=20
602. moteci. *itech* monequi in toquichtin, anozo cihuatl, in
     omitlaco: in amo huel quichiuh,.
      ground, it is required when a man or a woman has harmed
     the genitals; when he cannot eject [his semen]. (b.11 f.18
603. intla oquichtli oitech acia: auh oquinmauhtique, anozo
     oquimitlacoque, in za totolcatinemi, in ye tlilehua inacayo;
     ihuan in ye cuahuaqui, in ye *itech* yauh inacayo: intlanel
     ye ce xihuitl, intlanozo ye nauhxihuitl mococoa: itech
      If a man has mated with a woman and they have frightened
     or harmed them [in the act]; when he just goes about coughing;
     when already his body turns black; when already he is wizened,
     when already he loses flesh; even if he has been sick already
     one year, or perhaps already four years, it is required.
     (b.11 f.18 p.183).=20
604. intla oquichtli oitech acia: auh oquinmauhtique, anozo
     oquimitlacoque, in za totolcatinemi, in ye tlilehua inacayo;
     ihuan in ye cuahuaqui, in ye itech yauh inacayo: intlanel
     ye ce xihuitl, intlanozo ye nauhxihuitl mococoa: *itech*
      If a man has mated with a woman and they have frightened
     or harmed them [in the act]; when he just goes about coughing;
     when already his body turns black; when already he is wizened,
     when already he loses flesh; even if he has been sick already
     one year, or perhaps already four years, it is required.
     (b.11 f.18 p.183).=20
605. *itech* monequi, cemixtli in tomapil tetech monequi..
      one requires half a finger of it. (b.11 f.18 p.183).=20
606. moteci. *itech* monequi, in aquin omitlaco, anozo omocochtemic:
     anozo cihuatl oquimixiuhcayecoque, anoce iciuhca otlamama:.
      ground up, it is required by one who has harmed his genitals
     or has expelled semen in his sleep, or has had intercourse
     with a woman [too recently] confined, or has mounted in
     haste. (b.11 f.18 p.184).=20
607. *itech* monequi, in aquin ixtelolo quicocoa: in mitoa ixnacapachihui,
     in ye tlapachihuiznequi tixtelolonacatica:.
      it is required by one who suffers an eye ailment; by one
     who, it is said, has a fleshy growth over the eyes, who
     is about to become blind from flesh on the eyes. (b.11
     f.18 p.184).=20
608. *itech* monequi in aquin ic miquiznequi, amintli in amo
     huel motzacua: in zan hualmocuepa in atolli, in tlacualli:.
      it is required by one who is about to die of diarrhea,
     who cannot stop it, who just vomits up the atole, the food.
     (b.11 f.18 p.184).=20
609. *itech* monequi in aqui itech catqui coatetl: ihuan in
     tozan potzalli:.
      it is required by one who has a cyst [on the throat] and
     a scrofula. (b.11 f.18 p.185).=20
610. itech monequi in aqui *itech* catqui coatetl: ihuan in
     tozan potzalli:.
      it is required by one who has a cyst [on the throat] and
     a scrofula. (b.11 f.18 p.185).=20
611. in centetl tlanelhuatl; miec tlacatl *itech* monequi,.
      the single root is required by many people. (b.11 f.18
612. *itech* monequi in aquin omitlaco. ihuan in aquin omotzauc
     in iaxix:.
      it is required by one whose member has been harmed, and
     by one whose urine is stopped. (b.11 f.18 p.185).=20
613. *itech* monequi, in aquin totonie inacayo, in iuhqui tlatla
     quimati: anozo omocaxani:.
      it is required by one whose body is hot, who thinks it
     burns; perhaps the stomach has become unsettled. (b.11
     f.19 p.187).=20
614. cuahuitl, *itech* quiza itoca tepecopalcuahuitl:.
      it comes from a tree named tepecopalquauitl. (b.11 f.19
615. *itech* quiza ixica, zan ihcuac in tonalco:.
      it issues, it exudes only during the dry season. (b.11
     f.19 p.187).=20
616. ihuan in aquin pozahua inacayo; anozo huei totonqui *itech*
     motlalia, pani motequilia; ic iciuhca quipitzinia,.
      and [to treat] one whose body swells, perhaps of a high
     fever, [the gum] is placed thereon; it is placed on top
     [of the swellings], in order for them quickly to break
     open. (b.11 f.19 p.187).=20
617. *itech* monequi, in aquin eztli quinoquia, anozo tlaelli:.
      it is required by one who passes blood, or a flux. (b.11
     f.19 p.187).=20
618. amo moteci, zan michiqui, itla *itech* tetontli..
      it is not ground up; it is just abraded on some small
     stone. (b.11 f.19 p.188).=20
619. *itech* monequi, in aquin ipan tlatlatzini, in iuhqui itech
     quinehua, in onontic.
      it is required by one on whom lightning has flashed, who
     is as if possessed, struck dumb. (b.11 f.19 p.188).=20
620. itech monequi, in aquin ipan tlatlatzini, in iuhqui *itech*
     quinehua, in onontic.
      it is required by one on whom lightning has flashed, who
     is as if possessed, struck dumb. (b.11 f.19 p.188).=20
621. *itech* monequi in aquin eztli quinoquia in iyacac, anozo
      it is required by one who passes blood from his nose or
     from his rectum. (b.11 f.19 p.189).=20
622. *itech* monequi in aquin motlehuia, in totonqui itic nemi:
     in cenca mococoa in toyollo:.
      it is required by one who is fevered, who has a fever
     within, when he is very sick of heart. (b.11 f.19 p.189).=20
623. moteci. *itech* monequi, in aquin eztli quinoquia: anozo
     tlailli icuitlapampa quiza, in atle huel quimonamictia
      ground, they are required by one who passes blood, or
     from whose rectum comes a flux, who cannot find a remedy.
     (b.11 f.19 p.189).=20
624. ihuan in aquin *itech* quinehua, in iuhqui loco mochihua
     quicua ic pati..
      and one who is possessed, who becomes as if deranged,
     eats it; thereby he recovers. (b.11 f.19 p.190).=20
625. in achi mocotona, chichihualayotl in *itech* quiza..
      when it is slightly cut milk comes from it. (b.11 f.19
626. zan no cempoalxochitl *itech* pohui,.
      it also belongs among the cempoalxochitl. (b.11 f.20 p.200).=20
627. cuahuitl xochitl *itech* mochihua..
      blossoms which grow on trees (b.11 f.20 p.201).=20
628. cuauhtitech cuanmaxac in mochihua: *itech* im mochihua
      it grows on a tree, in the tree crotch; it grows on the
     auatl. (b.11 f.20 p.204).=20
629. in *itech* ca in xochitl, in cueponcayotl: pochquiotl,
     xochiamatlapalli, xochizhuatl, tecomayotl, tomioli, tomilolli,
     achtli, achiotl, yollotli, xochitl itzin, miahuayotl, mimiahuatl..
      pertaining to the blossoming of the flower are the fattening,
     the petals, the calyx, the pistil, the pistils, the seed,
     the seed of the flower, the ovary, the receptacle, the
     stamen of the flower, the stamens. (b.11 f.21 p.214).=20
630. auh izca in *itech* ca in cualli, in acualli.
      and behold the good, the evil which there is in it. (b.11
     f.21 p.215).=20
631. auh in amo cualli *itech* ca: in tecocoliani, quitecualtia,
     quiteitia atl ipan, octli ipan, tlacualli ipan quitetololtia:.
      and [as to] the evil which is in it: the one who hates
     people gives it to one to eat; he gives it to one to drink
     in water, in wine; he causes one to swallow it in food.
     (b.11 f.21 p.215).=20
632. metl: in *itech* ca metl.
      maguey: that which pertains to maguey (b.11 f.21 p.216).=20
633. in metl *itech* quiza in neuctli ihuani,.
      it is the maguey from which potable maguey syrup comes.
     (b.11 f.21 p.217).=20
634. *itech* quiza in ichtli, cimaloni, tzahualoni, tilmachihualoni
     malinaloni, paloni, yapaloni.
      the maguey fibre comes from it, the kind which can be
     dressed, spun; from which capes are made; which can be
     twisted, dyed, darkened. (b.11 f.21 p.217).=20
635. in metl *itech* quiza in huitztli, tlatzoponiloni, tlazohuani,.
      from the maguey comes the spine, the one which serves
     to pierce, to puncture. (b.11 f.21 p.217).=20
636. inin itoca *itech* quiztica in quetzalli, ihuan itztli:
     ipampa in itlachializ iuhquin quetzalli, xoxoctic:.
      the name of this comes from quetzalli [quetzal feather]
     and itztli [obsidian], because its appearance is like a
     green quetzal feather. (b.11 f.22 p.222).=20
637. inin itoca, *itech* quiza in quetzalli, niman ye chalchihuitl:
     ipampa ca in itlachializ, iuhquin quetzalli, inic xoxoctic,
     inic quiltic..
      the name of this comes from quetzalli [quetzal feather],
     then from chalchiuitl [green stone], because its appearance
     is like the quetzal feather, so green, so herb-green is
     it. (b.11 f.22 p.223).=20
638. inin xihuitl *itech* quiza in itoca xihuitl, in ixhuatoc:
     ipampa in itlachializ amo cenca quiltic, zan achi micqui:
     iuhquin amo cenca mahuizyo,.
      the name of this turquoise comes from the herb which lies
     sprouting; because its appearance is [not highly colored,]
     not very herb-green, just a little dull; as if it were
     not highly estimable. (b.11 f.22 p.223).=20
639. inin itoca *itech* quiza in teotl, ihuan in xihuitl, zan
     quitoznequi iiaxca, itonal in teotl, ihuan, qn. cenca mahuizyo;
     ipampa acan cenca neci,.
      the name of this comes from teotl [god] and xiuitl [turquoise],
     which merely means that it is the property, the lot, of
     the god; and it means that it is much esteemed, because
     it does not appear anywhere very often. (b.11 f.22 p.224).=20
640. in itlan in *itech* motta amo cenca mahuizyo:.
      when in it, when on it [something] is seen, it is not
     much esteemed. (b.11 f.22 p.224).=20
641. inin itoca, *itech* quizqui in tlapalli, ihuan in teoxihuitl:
     ipampa ca zan ye huel yehuatl in teoxihuitl,.
      the name of this comes from tlapalli [red] and teoxiuitl
     [fine turquoise], because it is the same as the fine turquoise.
     (b.11 f.22 p.224).=20
642. inin itoca *itech* quiza in eptli, ihuan yollotli: ipanpa
     in iuhqui itlachializ eptli, ca zan no iuhqui in itlachializ:.
      the name of this comes from eptli [oyster] and yollotli
     [heart], because its appearance is just like the appearance
     of the oyster. (b.11 f.22 p.224).=20
643. atl *itech* onca, ihuan pozonalli in itoca: ipampa in oc
     ye huecauh, inic conmahuizyotique, tlaiximatinime, quitoque,
     ca teoatl ipopozonallo:.
      its name is from atl [water] and po=87onalli [bubble], because
     during olden times they esteemed it for the reason that
     those of experience said that it was the bubbles of sea
     water. (b.11 f.22 p.225).=20
644. etlamantli in itoca inin apozonalli, *itech* mana, itech
     quiza in itlachializ..
      the names of this amber are three, which are taken from,
     which come from its appearance. (b.11 f.22 p.225).=20
645. etlamantli in itoca inin apozonalli, itech mana, *itech*
     quiza in itlachializ..
      the names of this amber are three, which are taken from,
     which come from its appearance. (b.11 f.22 p.225).=20
646. in mocemitta, iuhquinma tlemoyototonti, *itech* tzitzicuica;
     iuhquinma tlecuezallotl iitic icac,.
      when examined with care, it is as if little sparks continually
     fly from it, as if a flame stood within it. (b.11 f.22
647. iuhquin quetzalomitl, *itech* tzitzicuicatoc..
      something like a quetzal feather quill spreads continually
     flying from it. (b.11 f.22 p.225).=20
648. inin itoca, *itech* quiztica in quetzalitztli, ihuan epyollotli:
     ipampa in achi xoxoctic ic tlachia,.
      the name of this comes from quetzalitztli [emerald green
     jade] and epyollotli [pearl], because it looks a little
     green. (b.11 f.22 p.225).=20
649. *itech* quiza in itoca tlilayotl, ihuan, tic, qn, iuhqui..
      its name comes from tlilayotl [black water] and -tic,
     which means "like." (b.11 f.22 p.226).=20
650. inin *itech* quiza in itoca iztac, ihuan chalchihuitl.
      the name of this comes from iztac [white] and chalchiuitl.
     (b.11 f.22 p.226).=20
651. inin itoca *itech* quiza in matlali, ihuan itztli: ipanpa
     in itlachializ, huel iuhquin matlali, mamatlaltic, matlaltic,
     tetexotic, texocamiltic, texopoyahuac:.
      the name of this comes from matlalin [blue] and itztli
     [obsidian] because it is just like the blue coloring, an
     intense blue; blue, light blue, blue-brown, blue-tinted.
     (b.11 f.22 p.227).=20
652. *itech* quiza in itoca xihuitl, ihuan matlali, ihuan itztli;.
      its name comes from xiuitl [turquoise] and matlalin [blue],
     and itztli [obsidian]. (b.11 f.22 p.227).=20
653. auh ye huel ye on in poctli quihualyacantiuh, xoxouhqui
     cuahuitl, *itech* in iuhqui xiuhtototl, hualmoquetza, tlecuezallotontl=
      and [this droplet] is [like] the smoke which comes from
     the end of [burning] green wood; from it a small flame
     stands out like [the color of] the lovely cotinga. (b.11
     f.22 p.227).=20
654. *itech* quizqui in itoca teotl, ihuan tetl; ipampa aoccan
     centetl neci, iuhquin tetl inic tliltic,.
      its name comes from teotl [god] and tetl [stone], because
     nowhere does a stone appear as black as this stone. (b.11
     f.22 p.228).=20
655. in eztetl *itech* quiza in itoca eztli, ihuan tetl: ipampa
     inic mocuicuilo in tetl, iuhquin eztli; iuhquinma ezcuahuacqui,
     in aocmo tlapaltic ic mocuicuilo,.
      the name "bloodstone" comes from eztli [blood] and tetl
     [stone], because the stone is mottled like blood; as if
     it were dried blood, mottled [with blood] no longer fresh.
     (b.11 f.22 p.228).=20
656. in mohuitequi, tlexochtli *itech* hualquiza, tlatla, tlatlatia,
     tlatlecahuia, tlatlecuitia, tleyohua, tleti..
      when it is struck, sparks come out from it, [which] burn,
     burn things, set things afire, cause things to ignite;
     [which] make ablaze, set flaming. (b.11 f.22 p.229).=20
657. in itoca *itech* quiza in huitzitzili, ihuan tetl: ipampa
     in itlachieliz, iuhquinma huitzitzilin iihhuiyo, in mitoa
      its name comes from uitzitzilin [hummingbird] and tetl
     [stone], because its appearance is like the feathers of
     the humming bird, the one called tozcatleton. (b.11 f.22
658. in itlachieliz iuhquinma centzontli icpitl, *itech* moyahua
     xoxotla, iuhquin tlatla,.
      its appearance is like many fireflies; it radiates, glows;
     it is as if it burns. (b.11 f.22 p.229).=20
659. *itech* cenquiza ca itech cenquiztica in tlapalli, in chichiltic,
     in xoxoctic, in xiuhtototl, in tlauhquechol, in camopalli,
     in tlahuitl, in quiltic. etc..
      colors come constantly from it; they are constantly coming---chili-re=
     green, the color of the lovely cotinga, the color of the
     roseate spoonbill, purple, red, herb-green, etc. (b.11
     f.22 p.230).=20
660. itech cenquiza ca *itech* cenquiztica in tlapalli, in chichiltic,
     in xoxoctic, in xiuhtototl, in tlauhquechol, in camopalli,
     in tlahuitl, in quiltic. etc..
      colors come constantly from it; they are constantly coming---chili-re=
     green, the color of the lovely cotinga, the color of the
     roseate spoonbill, purple, red, herb-green, etc. (b.11
     f.22 p.230).=20
661. zan tetl atle *itech* ca tliltic:.
      however, there is no black on it. (b.11 f.22 p.230).=20
662. cequi *itech* cenquizca ca in tlapalli, yehuatl quitocayotia,
     quetzalatzcalli, anozo chalchiuhatzcalli:.
      one from which the color comes constantly they name quetzal-
     atzcalli or chalchiuhatzcalli. (b.11 f.22 p.230).=20
663. huel mahuiztic tlamahuizoltic, ca *itech* cenquizca ca
     in tlapalli in chichiltic, in coztic, in xiuhtototl, in
     tlauhquechol, in quiltic, in ayopaltic, in camiltic, in
     tetzahuac tlapalli, in poyahuac,.
      it is really wonderful, marvelous, for from it the color
     comes constantly: the chili-red, the yellow, the lovely
     cotinga [color], the roseate spoonbill [color], the herb-green,
     the gourd-blossom [color], the brown, the dense color,
     the blended. (b.11 f.23 p.231).=20
664. *itech* quiza in itoca coli, ihuan cili: ipampa ca cuappachtica
     motzitzicuitz, mocuicuilo, mozolcuicuilo,.
      its name comes from =87olin [quail] and cilin [small sea
     shell], because it is bespattered with a tawny color, varicolored,
     colored like a quail. (b.11 f.23 p.231).=20
665. inin teocuitlatl in coztic, in iztac in itoca: *itech*
     quiza in itoca teotl, ihuan cuitlatl: ipampa in mahuiztic,
     in coztic, in cualli, in yectli, in tlazotli,.
      the name of this gold, the yellow, the white [silver]
     ---its name comes from teotl [god] and cuitlatl [excrement],
     because it is wonderful, yellow, good, fine, precious.
     (b.11 f.23 p.231).=20
666. *itech* quizqui, in quenman cana neci tlahuizcalpan. iuhquinma
      it derives from [the fact that] sometimes, in some places,
     there appears in the dawn something like a little bit of
     diarrhea. (b.11 f.23 p.231).=20
667. ic neci *itech* tlaantli, i, in coztic teocuitlatl,.
      so it appears that [the name] gold is taken from this.
     (b.11 f.23 p.231).=20
668. in itoca tetl, ihuan metztli *itech* onca: ipampa in quenman
     itto yoaltica neci, iuhquin atolli mani,.
      its name comes from tetl [stone] and metztli [moon], because
     sometimes it is seen, it appears, at night like atole resting
     [on the ground]. (b.11 f.23 p.234).=20
669. quil icuitl in metztli, iztac tel achi cuichehuac, *itech*
     tlaquixtilli in itoca:.
      they say it is the excrement of the moon, white, but a
     little dark; its name is taken from this. (b.11 f.23 p.234).=20
670. in metzcuitlatl *itech* quiza in itoca metztli, ihuan cuitlatl,.
      the name metzcuitlatl comes from metztli [moon] and cuitlatl
     [excrement]. (b.11 f.23 p.235).=20
671. in itoca *itech* quiza in atl, ihuan mochitl: quitoznequi
      its name comes from atl [water] and mochitl: it means
     foam. (b.11 f.23 p.235).=20
672. yehuatl in *itech* quiza in teocuitlatl, in ahzo temetztli,
     anozo amochitl, tlalli,.
      this is the earth from which the gold, or the lead, or
     the tin comes. (b.11 f.23 p.235).=20
673. nochtli *itech* quiza in itoca, ihuan eztli, yehica nopaltitech
     in mochihua: auh iuhquin eztli, iuhquin eztecocoli,.
      its name comes from nochtli [opuntia] and eztli - [blood],
     because it is formed on the nopal and is like blood, like
     a blood blister. (b.11 f.23 p.238).=20
674. *itech* quiza in itoca tlacuahuac, ihuan tlapalli: ipampa
     ca cenca cualli chicahuac, ixtlapaltic, ixtlapalihui huel
     chichiltic, huel eztic; iuhquin xoxouhqui eztli,.
      its name comes from tlaquauac [dry] and tlapalli [color],
     because it is very good, firm, vivid --a vivid color; a
     real chili-red, very much like blood, like fresh blood.
     (b.11 f.23 p.238).=20
675. in itoca *itech* onca tlapalli, ihuan nextli: ipampa ca
     zan ye yehuatl, in nocheztli, tlachihualli, zan tlanello,.
      its name is from tlapalli [color] and nextli [ashes],
     because this same cochineal is a preparation, just a mixture.
     (b.11 f.23 p.238).=20
676. in zazan nocheztli, in nochtli, in cualoni, nopalli, *itech*
     quiza, no tlapalnextli motocayotia,.
      the inferior cochineal, which comes from a tuna, an edible
     nopal, is also named tlapalnextli. (b.11 f.23 p.240).=20
677. inin itoca *itech* quiza xochitl, ihuan tlapalli; iuhquin
     quitoznequi, xochitl, tlapaloni..
      the name of this comes from xochitl [flower] and tlapalli
     [color]; it is as if to say "flower which dyes." (b.11
     f.23 p.240).=20
678. zacatl, ihuan tlaxcalli, *itech* quiztica in itoca: ipampa
     iuhquin zacatl mohuihuicoma,.
      its name comes from =87acatl [grass] and tlaxcalli [tortilla],
     because [the plant] climbs like grass. (b.11 f.23 p.240).=20
679. in *itech* quiza coztic,.
      yellow comes from it. (b.11 f.23 p.240).=20
680. in *itech* quiza zacatlaxcalli..
      from it comes light yellow. (b.11 f.23 p.240).=20
681. huitztli, ihuan cuahuitl: *itech* quiza in itoca.
      its name comes from uitztli [thorn] and quauitl [tree].
     (b.11 f.23 p.241).=20
682. in itoca *itech* quiztica nacaztli, ihuan colotl, quitoznequi
     iuhquin nacaztontli, colochtontli, copiltontli,.
      its name comes from nacaztli [ear] and colotl [hook];
     that is to say, it is like a small ear, a small hook, a
     small miter. (b.11 f.23 p.241).=20
683. in itoca *itech* quiztica tetl, ihuan cozauhqui. qn. tetl
     coztic, coztic tetl.
      its name comes from tetl [stone] and co=87auhqui [yellow];
     that is, it is a yellow stone; yellow in the form of a
     stone. (b.11 f.23 p.242).=20
684. in itoca *itech* quiza in tlalli, ihuan ihyac: ipampa ca
     tlalli, ca tepetlatl cacayacatica..
      its name comes from tlalli [earth] and ihyac [stinking],
     because it is an earth; it is tepetate; it is tufaceous.
     (b.11 f.23 p.243).=20
685. in itoca *itech* mitoa tlalli, ihuan xocotl: ipampa ca
     tlalli, tetepetlatic, tetequixquitic: auh inic xocotl,
     ca xococ, xocopatic,.
      its name is said [from] tlalli [earth] and xocotl [sour
     fruit], because it is an earth like tepetate, like saltpeter;
     and as for xocotl, it is sour, very sour. (b.11 f.23 p.243).=20
686. in itoca *itech* quiztica tetl, ihuan tlilli: ipampa ca
     tetl tlacuahuac, auh tliltic, tlilpatic: auh inic itech
     onca tezcatl; ipampa pepetlaca..
      its name comes from tetl [rock] and tlilli [black], because
     it is a hard rock, and black, very black; and from tezcatl
     [mirror], because it glistens. (b.11 f.23 p.243).=20
687. in itoca itech quiztica tetl, ihuan tlilli: ipampa ca tetl
     tlacuahuac, auh tliltic, tlilpatic: auh inic *itech* onca
     tezcatl; ipampa pepetlaca..
      its name comes from tetl [rock] and tlilli [black], because
     it is a hard rock, and black, very black; and from tezcatl
     [mirror], because it glistens. (b.11 f.23 p.243).=20
688. in itoca, tetl, *itech* quiza, ihuan tizatl: ipampa ca
      its name comes from tetl [rock] and ti=87atl [chalk], because
     it is a rock. (b.11 f.23 p.244).=20
689. in itoca, *itech* quiztica yiauhtli, anozo yayauhqui, ihuan
     tlapalli, iuhquin quitoznequi yayactic, yiauhtic tlapalli,.
      its name comes from yauhtli [wormwood] or yayauhqui [dark]
     and tlapalli [color]. (b.11 f.24 p.244).=20
690. cencan poyahuac in coztic *itech* neci..
      the yellow which thus appears is very dark. (b.11 f.24
691. in itoca, *itech* quiztica in quilitl, ihuan tic, quitoznequi:
     iuhquin quilitl,.
      its name comes from quilitl [herb] and -tic, that is,
     like an herb. (b.11 f.24 p.245).=20
692. in itoca huitztli *itech* quiztica, ihuan tecolli: iuhquin
     quitoznequi huitzcuahuitl, tecoltic, camiltic..
      its name comes from uitztli [thorn] and tecolli [charcoal],
     as if to say carbonized, brownish brazilwood. (b.11 f.24
693. in itoca, *itech* quiztica cuahuitl, ihuan pachtli: yehica
     ca in ipachio cuahuitl, in no itto ca cuappachtli,.
      its name comes from quauitl [tree] and pachtli [spanish
     moss], because the spanish moss is of a tree which is also
     called quappachtli. (b.11 f.24 p.245).=20
694. in itoca cuappachtli, anozo yehuatl in cuauhtepoztli, *itech*
      the name of that from which it comes is quappachtli, or
     the quauhtepoztli tree. (b.11 f.24 p.245).=20
695. in ye huecauhtlaca, in nican nueva espa=A4a tlaca, momatia,
     ihuan iuhqui neltocaya, ca in ilhuicatl, zan iuhquinma
     calli, nohuiyampa tlaczaticac: auh *itech* acitoc in atl,.
      the people of old, the people here of new spain, thought
     and took as truth that the heavens were just like a house;
     it stood resting in every direction, and it extended reaching
     to the water. (b.11 f.24 p.247).=20
696. iuhquinma acaltechtli, *itech* motlatzoa:.
      it was as if the water walls were joined to it. (b.11
     f.24 p.247).=20
697. auh ic quitocayotique ilhuicaatl, yehica ca *itech* acitimani
     in ilhuicatl..
      and hence they called it "water which reaches the heavens,"
     because it stretched extending to the heavens. (b.11 f.24
698. in itoca, *itech* quiztica in atl, ihuan totoca, iuhquin
     quitoznequi, atl totocani:.
      its name comes from atl [water] and totoca [it runs];
     as if to say "running water." (b.11 f.24 p.247).=20
699. ca iiaxca, ca *itech* quiza in teotl, in itoca, chalchiuhtli
      they are the property of, they issue from the goddess
     named chachiuhtli icue. (b.11 f.24 p.247).=20
700. tetitech tlalli, *itech* huelia,.
      on rocks, on land it improves. (b.11 f.24 p.248).=20
701. in itoca, *itech* ca in chiconahui, ihuan atl: ipanpa chiconauhcan
     in moloni, in meya,.
      its name is in chicunaui [nine] and atl [water], because
     it gushes, it flows out in nine places. (b.11 f.24 p.248).=20
702. in itoca, *itech* mitotica quetzalli ihuan atl: ipampa
     chipahuac matlaltic. matlalayohtic:.
      its name is from quetzalli [precious feather] and atl
     [water]; because it is clear, dark green, gourd-green.
     (b.11 f.24 p.248).=20
703. in itoca, *itech* quiztica in tecuani, ihuan atl. ipampa
     cenca tecuayo..
      its name comes from tequani [man-eater] and atl [water],
     because it has many man-eating animals. (b.11 f.24 p.248).=20
704. in itoca *itech* ca in altepetl tollan, ihuan atl: ipampa
     ca iitic in quizticac in altepetl tollan,.
      its name is from the city of tollan and atl [water], because
     it passes within the city of tollan. (b.11 f.24 p.249).=20
705. in itoca, *itech* quiztica nextli, ihuan atl: ipampa tetzahuac,
     ticehuac, iuhquin nextli, tlapalli.
      its name comes from nextli [ashes] and atl [water], because
     it is thick, chalky; like ashes is the color. (b.11 f.24
706. in itoca, *itech* quiztica totoli, ihuan atl: ipampa quilmach
     oncan imatliyan catca, in cuauhtotolme in oc tzihuactla,
      its name comes from totolin [bird] and atl [water], because,
     it is said, there was the drinking place of the wild birds,
     those still in the cacti, in the palms. (b.11 f.24 p.249).=20
707. in itoca *itech* quiztica tetzahuitl, ihuan atl: ipampa
     zan iquin in quiztiuh: ihuan cenca temamauhti,.
      its name comes from tetzauitl [omen] and atl [water],
     because it flows only at times, and it terrifies people
     greatly. (b.11 f.24 p.249).=20
708. in itoca, *itech* mitoa in pinahuiztli, ihuan atl: ipampa
     in ihcuac ayac ipan quiza, in ayac quipanahuia totocaticac:.
      its name is said from pinauiztli [shame] and atl [water],
     because when no one crosses over it, when no one passes
     over it, it continues to run. (b.11 f.24 p.249).=20
709. in itoca *itech* quiztica in atl, ihuan meya:.
      its name comes from atl [water] and meya [it flows]. (b.11
     f.24 p.249).=20
710. *itech* quiztica in itoca atl, ihuan pitzahuac, quitoznequi,
     pitzahuaticac atoyatl,.
      its name comes from atl [water] and pitzauac [thin]; that
     is, a river which is narrow. (b.11 f.24 p.250).=20
711. in itoca *itech* ca xalli, ihuan atl:.
      its name is from xalli [sand] and atl [water]. (b.11 f.24
712. in itoca *itech* quiza in atl, ihuan maitl:.
      its name comes from atl [water] and maitl [arm]. (b.11
     f.24 p.250).=20
713. *itech* quiztica in itoca atl, ihuan tlamanalli, anozo
      its name comes from atl [water] and tlamanalli [something
     flat placed on the ground], or mani [it lies flat]. (b.11
     f.24 p.250).=20
714. in itoca *itech* quiza in chapoli, ihuan atl: ipanpa ca
     chapoltepetl itzintlan in meya, in moloni,.
      its name comes from chapulin [locust] and atl [water],
     because water flows, wells up from the base of chapultepetl.
     (b.11 f.24 p.250).=20
715. in itoca *itech* quiza in atl, ihuan comoltic,.
      its name comes from atl [water] and comoltic [pitted].
     (b.11 f.24 p.250).=20
716. in itoca *itech* ca in atl, ihuan xoxouhqui:.
      its name is from atl [water] and xoxouhqui [green]. (b.11
     f.24 p.251).=20
717. in itoca *itech* quiztica in atl, ihuan totoca, quitoznequi,
     hualatococ tlalcoztli, xalatoctli,.
      its name comes from atl [water] and totoca [it runs];
     that is, water-borne yellow soil, water-borne sand. (b.11
     f.24 p.251).=20
718. in itoca *itech* quiztica in cuahuitl, ihuan tlalli:.
      its name comes from quauitl [wood] and tlalli [earth].
     (b.11 f.24 p.251).=20
719. *itech* mitotica tlalli ihuan coztic: ipampa ixcoztic,
     cualli, yectli, tlamochihuani, tlaaquillo, temachtli..
      it is named from tlalli [earth] and coztic [yellow], because
     yellow soil is good, fine, fertile, fruitful, esteemed.
     (b.11 f.24 p.251).=20
720. in itoca *itech* quiza in tlalli, ihuan tlacohualli:.
      its name comes from tlalli [earth] and tlacoualli [something
     bought]. (b.11 f.24 p.251).=20
721. *itech* mitotica micqui, ihuan tlalli:.
      it is named from micqui [dead person] and tlalli [earth].
     (b.11 f.24 p.251).=20
722. *itech* mitotica in itoca xalli ihuan tlalli: ipampa in
     xallo, in xalpitzahuacayo,.
      it is [so] called from xalli [sand ] and tlalli [earth]
     because it is sandy, of fine sand. (b.11 f.24 p.251).=20
723. *itech* quiztica in itoca tetl, ihuan zoquitl: ipampa ca
     tlacuahuac, tzictic, tepitztic, cuichehuac, tlilehuac,
      its name comes from tetl [rock] and =87oquitl [mud], because
     it is firm, gummy, hard; dark, blackish, bitumen-like.
     (b.11 f.24 p.252).=20
724. *itech* quiztica in itoca calli, ihuan tlalli:.
      its name comes from calli [house] and tlalli [earth].
     (b.11 f.24 p.252).=20
725. *itech* quiztica in itoca tlalli, ihuan manqui qn. tlalli
     amo tliltic, amo no comoltic,.
      its name comes from tlalli [earth] and manqui [level];
     that is to say, land neither hilly nor hollowed. (b.11
     f.24 p.252).=20
726. *itech* mitoa in itoca atl, ihuan tlalli:.
      its name is [so] called from atl [water] and tlalli [earth].
     (b.11 f.24 p.252).=20
727. tetl *itech* quiza: in tetzotzonqui.
      it comes from the rocks, the crushed rocks. (b.11 f.24
728. *itech* mitoa in itoca chiahua, ihuan tlalli.
      its name is [so] called from chiaua [it becomes soggy]
     and tlalli [land]. (b.11 f.24 p.253).=20
729. atle huel *itech* mochihua.
      nothing can be grown on it. (b.11 f.24 p.254).=20
730. *itech* quiztica in itoca tlalli, ihuan tlaiztalilli, quitoznequi
     iztac tlalli,.
      its name comes from tlalli [earth] and tlaiztalli [something
     white]; that is to say, white earth. (b.11 f.24 p.254).=20
731. tezontli, ihuan tlalli: *itech* quiztica in itoca,.
      its name comes from te=87ontli [porous volcanic rock] and
     tlalli [earth]. (b.11 f.24 p.254).=20
732. teuhtli, ihuan tlalli, *itech* quiza in itoca,.
      its name comes from teuhtli [dust] and tlalli [earth].
     (b.11 f.25 p.255).=20
733. in itoca *itech* quiza in atl, ihuan tizatl,.
      its name comes from atl [water] and ti=87atl [chalk]. (b.11
     f.25 p.255).=20
734. atle huel *itech* mochihua, zan ixquich xamitl, mochihua,
     ihuan tizatl mocuepa,.
      nothing can be done with it; only adobes are made, and
     it turns into chalk. (b.11 f.25 p.255).=20
735. comitl *itech* quiztica, ihuan tlalli: ipampa (comitl)
     mochihua caxitl, apaztli. etc..
      [lts name] comes from comitl [olla] and tlalli [earth],
     because [with it ollas] are made; bowls, basins, etc. (b.11
     f.25 p.256).=20
736. *itech* quiztica atl, ihuan zoquitl:.
      [its name] comes from atl [water] and =87oquitl [mud]. (b.11
     f.25 p.257).=20
737. tlacayo, *itech* onohuac..
      It is peopled; it is dwelt upon. (b.11 f.25 p.259).=20
738. ihuan yehuatl quitoznequi, in *itech* zaliuhtica huei tepetl,
     in no panquiztica, in noce huilantoc..
      and this means that which is adhering to the large mountain
     which also is towering above it, or else lies reaching
     outward. (b.11 f.25 p.261).=20
739. inic chicuei parrapho: *itech* tlatoa, in itlatlamantiliz
     in zazo quenami otli..
      eighth paragraph, which telleth of the different kinds
     of roads of all sorts. (b.11 f.25 p.266).=20
740. quinmacato tlazotilmatli, tlazotlanqui, zan huel *itech*
     itilma in moteuczoma, in aoc ac oc ce quiquemi,.
      they went to offer them precious capes, precious goods:
     indeed capes pertaining to moctezuma alone, which no one
     else wore. (b.12 f.1 p.5).=20
741. izcatqui ic *itech* amacizque in toteucyo,.
      behold wherewith you will arrive [before] our lord." (b.12
     f.1 p.10).=20
742. inic nauhtlamantli zan ye no yehuatl in itlatqui catca
     quetzalcoatl, ye ne centlamantli: ocelocopilli, coxoliyo;
     hueitepol in chalchihuitl iicpac ca ic cuatzauctica; ihuan
     xiuhnacochtli, malacachtic, *itech* pilcatica teocuitlaepcololli;
     ihuan chalchiuhcozcapetlatl, zan no teocuitlacomalli in
     inepantla mantia; ihuan tilmatli tentlapallo inic molpia;.
      fourth, what likewise was the array of this quetzalcoatl
     was yet another thing: a peaked ocelot skin cap with pheasant
     feathers; a very large green stone at the top, fixed at
     the tip; and round, turquoise [mosaic] earplugs, from which
     were hanging curved, golden seashells; and a plaited green
     stone neck band in the midst of which there was also a
     golden disc; and a cape with a red border which was tied
     on; (b.12 f.1 p.12).=20
743. zan no teocuitlacoyolli in icxi *itech* monequia: ihuan
     chimalli teocuitlatica itixapo, quetzaltenzouhqui, no quetzalpanyo:
     ihuan hecaxonecuilli, cuacoltic, iztac chalchihuitl inic
     citlallotoc ihuan ipozolcac..
      likewise, the golden shells required for his ankles; and
     a shield with a golden disc in the center, and spread quetzal
     feathers along its [lower] rim, also with a quetzal feather
     flag; and the curved staff of the wind god, hooked at the
     top, overspread with white green stone stars; and his foam
     sandals. (b.12 f.1 p.12).=20
744. ommatoctique, *itech* onacito in imacal, itech compachoque
     in imacal..
      they betook themselves to the water; they went to reach
     the [spaniards'] boat; they approached their boat. (b.12
     f.1 p.13).=20
745. ommatoctique, itech onacito in imacal, *itech* compachoque
     in imacal..
      they betook themselves to the water; they went to reach
     the [spaniards'] boat; they approached their boat. (b.12
     f.1 p.13).=20
746. huel yehuatl conaquique in xiuhcoaxayacatl, *itech* yetiuh
     in quetzalapanecayotl, ihuan itech yeyetiuh, itech aactiuh,
     itech pipilcatiuh chalchiuhcoanacochtli:.
      they put him into the turquoise [mosaic] serpent mask
     with which went the quetzal feather head fan, and with
     which went, with which were inserted, with which went suspended
     the green stone serpent earplugs. (b.12 f.1 p.15).=20
747. huel yehuatl conaquique in xiuhcoaxayacatl, itech yetiuh
     in quetzalapanecayotl, ihuan *itech* yeyetiuh, itech aactiuh,
     itech pipilcatiuh chalchiuhcoanacochtli:.
      they put him into the turquoise [mosaic] serpent mask
     with which went the quetzal feather head fan, and with
     which went, with which were inserted, with which went suspended
     the green stone serpent earplugs. (b.12 f.1 p.15).=20
748. huel yehuatl conaquique in xiuhcoaxayacatl, itech yetiuh
     in quetzalapanecayotl, ihuan itech yeyetiuh, *itech* aactiuh,
     itech pipilcatiuh chalchiuhcoanacochtli:.
      they put him into the turquoise [mosaic] serpent mask
     with which went the quetzal feather head fan, and with
     which went, with which were inserted, with which went suspended
     the green stone serpent earplugs. (b.12 f.1 p.15).=20
749. huel yehuatl conaquique in xiuhcoaxayacatl, itech yetiuh
     in quetzalapanecayotl, ihuan itech yeyetiuh, itech aactiuh,
     *itech* pipilcatiuh chalchiuhcoanacochtli:.
      they put him into the turquoise [mosaic] serpent mask
     with which went the quetzal feather head fan, and with
     which went, with which were inserted, with which went suspended
     the green stone serpent earplugs. (b.12 f.1 p.15).=20
750. quitoque inin ca amo totech monequia in tiquittazque, ca
     ye *itech* monequia quittaz in moteuczoma, in otiquittaque:.
      they said: "this was in no way for us to see; it was for
     moctezuma to see what we have seen. (b.12 f.2 p.34).=20
751. auh tel amo ic xiccahualo, maco in ixquich *itech* monequi
     in cualoni, in ihualoni, ihuan in atl, in mazatlacualli..
      but nevertheless he was not therefore neglected;i he was
     given all that he required --food, drink, and water [and]
     fodder for the deer. (b.12 f.3 p.45).=20
752. niman ye ic tlaixcolehualo in *itech* chimalli in teocuitlatl:
     ihuan in itech in ixquich tlahuiztli:.
      thereupon was detached the gold which was on the shields
     and which was on all the devices. (b.12 f.3 p.48).=20
753. niman ye ic tlaixcolehualo in itech chimalli in teocuitlatl:
     ihuan in *itech* in ixquich tlahuiztli:.
      thereupon was detached the gold which was on the shields
     and which was on all the devices. (b.12 f.3 p.48).=20
754. niman ye ic hui in huel itlatlatiaya moteuczoma in ompa
     mopia in huel *itech* iaxca in moteuczoma: itocayocan totocalco.
      thereupon they went to moctezuma's own storehouse, where
     was kept moctezuma's own property, a place called totocalco.
     (b.12 f.3 p.48).=20
755. auh in icoanacoch *itech* pipilcac in huitznahuayotl, teocuitlatl
     xoxopiltic, tlaxoxopiltectli,.
      and from the serpent ear plug hung the golden ring of
     thorns, with toes --cut in the form of toes. (b.12 f.3
756. no *itech* pilcaya motenehua huitznahuayotl, ixtlan tlatlaan:.
      also from it hung what was called the thorn ring, painted
     with diagonal stripes. (b.12 f.3 p.52).=20
757. niman ye ic in tozpololli icuexcochtlan in contlalilia
     *itech* pilcac tziuhcuexpalli,.
      thereupon they set in place upon the back of his head
     a ball of yellow parrot feathers from which hung a child's
     lcck of hair. (b.12 f.3 p.52).=20
758. coyotomitl in tlahuipantli, ihuan *itech* pilcatica amatl
      it was arranged of (strips of) coyote fur, and from it
     was hanging paper cut in strips. (b.12 f.4 p.53).=20
759. in quinnamiquito: niman ic hualquizque *itech*.
      when they went contending against them, they then drew
     near to them. (b.12 f.6 p.86).=20
760. auh in tiacahuan *itech* yetiquizque, atlan quinnemitique,
      and the brave warriors quickly went at him; they made
     [the spaniards] go into the water; they repeatedly cast
     stones at them. (b.12 f.7 p.100).=20
761. ayaxcan in quimoncaltechpachoto in oc ce acalotli *itech*
     in amaxac icac..
      with difficulty they went to shelter them by another canal
     which was in amaxac. (b.12 f.7 p.110).=20

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