Az: Aztlan date

jim gomez (by way of "John F. Schwaller" <>) gomezjim at
Mon Feb 28 15:49:09 UTC 2000

On a couple of sources that may be of assistance:

M.E. Smith (1984:174) notes that the general consensus in the
histories is that most Chichimec migrations occurred at, or after,
the fall of Tollan. The dates he tabulates as arrival (founding)
dates of various Nahuatl groups fall after A.D. 1175 agrees with
the date N. Davies (1977:410-414) gives as the probable date for
the fall of Tollan. For instance, when this date is combined with
the cross over of Xolotl and his Chichimecs to Culua in 5 Tecpatl,
this is 1179.

For other year-count annuals, pictorial and textual, see also
Nicholson (1978:289). For an interesting perspective the
historicity question and who appears to accept the main accounts
at face value, see P. Carrasco (1950,1971).

The archaeological indicators for dating the fall of Tula (around
A.D. 1200) are of a more general nature, in comparison to the
relatively fast paced migrations, and perhaps better well known.


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