nahuatl nouns with specific object prefixe

alexis wimmer malinal at
Tue Jul 11 19:19:12 UTC 2000

Remi Simeon in his ‘Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl’ listed some deverbal
nouns whose verbal stem have kept a specific object prefixe ‘–qui-‘, for
instance nouns such as QUIXNENEUILILIZTLI, for ‘qu-i:xnehnehui-liztli’,
‘likeness’ or QUITEMMATILIZTLI for ‘qui-te:mmati-liztli’, ‘negligence’.
Theese nouns don’t appear in the ‘Vocabulario en lengua mexicana y
castellana’ from Molina and this formation seems to be irregular. What is
happened ? Can such forms appear in texts ? In Cod.Flor. is QUITE:MMATITL,
‘a neglectful one’ to find, a form with absolutive suffixe and direct-object
prefixe. Are some rules for these irregularities ?
Any help would be very useful.

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