Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, DC

John F. Schwaller schwallr at
Fri Jun 23 15:27:12 UTC 2000

The Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, DC will hold a one-day seminar
"Are we Having Fun Yet?  Pleasurable Activities in Ancient America"
Satuday, September 16
US Navy Memorial and Naval Heritage Center
701 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Washington DC

The scheduled speakers include:
Jeffrey Quilter, "At Work, Rest, or Play?  The Question of Leisure in
Ancient America"

Susan Today Evans, "'Mid Pleasures and Palaces: Aztec Nobles at Home and at

Jill Leslie McKeever-Furst, "Compulsory Play: The Leisure Activities of
Aztec Children and Youths"

Warren DeBoer, "Of Dice and Women: Gambling and Exchange in Native North

Karl Taube, "American Gladiators: Competitive Combat in Ancient Mesoamerica"

Justin Kerr, "A Good Times was had by all:  Fun and Games among the Ancient

For further information contact the Society:
Registration Coordinator
11104 Bucknell Dr.
Silver Spring, MD  20902-4432

Leisure at
John Frederick Schwaller                             schwallr at
Associate Provost                                        406-243-4722
The University of Montana                           FAX 406-243-5937

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