Huitlacoche or Cuitlacoche

r. joe campbell campbel at
Sat Oct 14 17:22:02 UTC 2000

The main sections are divided with **********

Concord on "cuitlacoch-" from the Florentine Codex:


1. inic motocayotia cuitlacochtototl: itech tlaantli in itlatol,
     in quitoa *cuitlacoch*, cuitlacoch, tarati, tarat, tatatati,
     tatatati, titiriti, tiriti:.
      it is named cuitlacochtototl, which is taken from its
     song, because it says cuitlacoch, cuitlacoch, tarati, tarat,
     tatatati, tatatati, titiriti, tiriti. (b.11 f.6 p.51).

2. inic motocayotia cuitlacochtototl: itech tlaantli in itlatol,
     in quitoa cuitlacoch, *cuitlacoch*, tarati, tarat, tatatati,
     tatatati, titiriti, tiriti:.
      it is named cuitlacochtototl, which is taken from its
     song, because it says cuitlacoch, cuitlacoch, tarati, tarat,
     tatatati, tatatati, titiriti, tiriti. (b.11 f.6 p.51).


3. auh in ye quizaz quiyahuitl, in ye tlamiz in ye itzonco:
     niman ye ic tlatoa in *cuitlacochi*,.
      and when the rains were already to pass, when they were
     already to end, when already they were at their close,
     thereupon the curve-billed thrasher sang; (b.2 f.1 p.45).

4. *cuitlacochi*: mazorca de maiz que nacen disformes..
      smut ears of maize which appear malformed (b.11 f.27 p.281).


5. *cuitlacochihua*,.
      smut forms. (b.11 f.27 p.281).


6. *cuitlacochihui*.
      it becomes blotched (b.10 f.6 p.96b).

7. *cuitlacochihui*.
      it becomes blotched (b.10 f.6 p.109b).

8. *cuitlacochihui*.
      it becomes blotched (b.10 f.6 p.112a).

9. tlatzihui, moxochiamatlapallaza, moxochiamatlapaltepehua,
     tlilehua, *cuitlacochihui*,.
      they fade, shed petals, drop petals, darken, wither. (b.11
     f.21 p.214).

10. *cuitlacochihui*..
      it becomes smutted. (b.11 f.27 p.281).


11. *cuitlacochin*: anozo cuitlacochtototl,.
      curve-billed thrasher (b.11 f.6 p.51).


12. auh quin oncan maco: in inneoquichitol in apozonaltentetl,
     ihuan quetzalcoyolnacochtli, quetzalichayatl coxoli, hecacehuaztli:
     zacuantica tlatzinpacholli, xahuactopilli, toztlapilollo,
     *cuitlacochio*, in ipan hualotlatocaya, inic hualahcia
     in nican mexico..
      and then [and] there they were given their symbols of
     conquest--the amber lip plugs, and the green, shell-shaped
     ear pendants; the netted maguey fiber capes; the crested
     guan feather fans covered with troupial feathers at the
     bottom; the black staves with tassels of curve-billed thrasher
     feathers, with which they took the road to arrive here
     in mexico. (b.9 f.2 p.22).


13. *cuitlacochti* in elotl, in cintli,.
      the green maize ear, the ripened maize ear become smutted.
     (b.11 f.27 p.281).


14. *cuitlacochtic*.
      blotched (b.10 f.6 p.96b).

15. *cuitlacochtic*.
      blotched (b.10 f.6 p.106b).

16. *cuitlacochtic*.
      blotched (b.10 f.6 p.109b).


17. cuitlacochin: anozo *cuitlacochtototl*,.
      curve-billed thrasher (b.11 f.6 p.51).

18. inic motocayotia *cuitlacochtototl*: itech tlaantli in itlatol,
     in quitoa cuitlacoch, cuitlacoch, tarati, tarat, tatatati,
     tatatati, titiriti, tiriti:.
      it is named cuitlacochtototl, which is taken from its
     song, because it says cuitlacoch, cuitlacoch, tarati, tarat,
     tatatati, tatatati, titiriti, tiriti. (b.11 f.6 p.51).


19. no motocayotia *icuitlacochcho*, in tzanatopilli..
      the grackle-staves were also called their thrasher[-staves].
     (b.2 f.3 p.75).

Summary of occurrences in Molina and the Florentine Codex:

cuitlacochtli. a¤ublado trigo, mayz ocosa semejante (71m1); mayz otrigo
    a¤ublado (71m2).

cuitlacochin. ma‡orca de mayz da¤ada o degenerada (71m1); mazorca de mayz
    degenerada y diferente delas otras (71m2); curve-billed thrasher (FC).

cuitlacoch. ___ (FC).
cuitlacochi. ___ (FC).
cuitlacochihua. ___ (FC).
cuitlacochihui. ___ (FC); it becomes blotched (FC).
cuitlacochio. ___ (FC).
cuitlacochti. ___ (FC).
cuitlacochtic. blotched (FC).
cuitlacochtototl. ___ (FC); curve-billed thrasher (FC).

Nouns with the -in absolutive suffix:

a:xin           axin            ointment
capolin         capolin         cherry
chacalin        chacalin        shrimp
chapolin        chapolin        grasshopper
chiquimolin     chiquimolin     goldfinch, talebearer
chopilin        chopilin        cricket
cilin           cilin           snail
ci:tlalin       citlalin        star
cohuixin        cohuixin        lizard
cuetzpalin      cuetzpalin      lizard
cui:xin         cuixin          kite, kind of bird
hui:tzilin      huitzilin       hummingbird
ma:tla:lin      matlalin        dark green
metolin         metolin         moth
mexixin         mexixin         common-cress
michin          michin          fish
ocuilin         ocuilin         worm
pipiyolin       pipiyolin       wild bee
quimichin       quimichin       mouse
tamazolin       tamazolin       toad
tapayaxin       tapayaxin       lizard
temolin         temolin         beetle
to:lin          tolin           reed
tomin           tomin           coin !
to:tolin        totolin         hen, turkey
xohuilin        xohuilin        kind of fish
xomalin         xomalin         feather grass
za:yo:lin       zayolin         fly
zo:lin          zolin           quail
zo:to:lin       zotolin         palm

The *only* occurrences of '-cochin-' in Molina and the FC:

cochina, ni-. ___ (FC).
cochini. dormilon (55m, 71m1, 71m2); she is accustomed to sleeping (FC);
    sleeper, one who sleeps (FC); they are accustomed to sleeping (FC).
cochini, iitztoc- . dormidor tal (55m, 71m1).
miccacochini. dormidor tal (55m, 71m1); el que duerme los ojos abiertos
tequicochini. dormilon (71m2).

cuitlacochin. ma‡orca de mayz da¤ada o degenerada (71m1); mazorca de mayz
    degenerada y diferente delas otras (71m2); curve-billed thrasher (FC).

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