Fwd: Re: tequixquitl

mdmorris at indiana.edu mdmorris at indiana.edu
Sat May 17 00:41:50 UTC 2003


I initially intended to send the message below to the list at large,
and am following through on that idea now because I am still ignorant
as to whether Catholic doctrine has something that might compare to
"tlateochihualatl" in its conception of purgatory.  Would this be the
sulphuric tequixquitl brimstone, or something else?
Thanks, Mark Morris

From: <mdmorris at indiana.edu>
To: "r. joe campbell" <campbel at indiana.edu>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 23:01:42 -0500

I hate to bardge in on this interesting question of how tequixquitl
forms from quiza -- a question to which I have found nothing to add
except to point out that some writers in colonial Tlaxcala
consistently write "how much" quexquich as quixquich, suggesting
perhaps another consonantal nominalization of a preterite quiza ??

However, I have my own worries here concerning not merely salinous
salts but verily brimstone and hellfire.  My question about the
following passage beyond "What hell is he talking about?" is "Which
catechism is he working from?"--as in the metaphysical point he is
trying to get across is opaque to me, the terms don't combine and I
don't know if that is for a lack of education on my part or an excess
of pulque on his.  Any theological help would be welcome.  Divided in
three parts the text I'm worrying about reads:

Warm up:  San nohiqui yca yn Pasql melchor yca ynicausa amo
nictlatlanitica yn procurador ypa’pa huel embustero

Target Passage:  sannohiqui se noAmah onimitzmotitlanili hasta axcan
amo otinechmocuepilia ypanpa yzquipan itlatitlani amo mitzmaxilia
quenin omopalehuisquia se anima, purgatorio yca tlatlatlahtilistli
yhuan tlateochihualatl

Round off:  matinechhualmonahuatilis mitz motlacuilhuia ynaq Cmc

Tlazohcamati, tochan Bloomington,

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