Geography Question

Richley Crapo RCRAPO at HASS.USU.EDU
Wed Feb 4 15:55:48 UTC 2004

>>> campbel at INDIANA.EDU 02/03 9:51 AM >>>

  It's mentioned in the Florentine (Book 11) under the discussion of
yollotototl on p. 25 of the D&A edition.  Also under tecuciltototl
on p. 26.

I've also seen a reference by Sahagun to Teotlixco where he discusses the hairless dog. In that one, he uses the same phrase as in one you site above: "toward the south sea" in describing Teotlixco's location. As far as you know, are there any others in which he describes the location in any other way? 

The phrase could refer to the Pacific Ocean as someone has suggested, but the text I'm working on (Anonimo Mexicano) has the TeoChichimecs, after the war of Poyauhtlan (near Mt. Tlaloc), told to leave the area and go to Teotlixco "before dawn," which suggests that it wasn't as far as the Pacific--unlesss, of course, "getting to Teotlixco before dawn" is an idiom for something like "leave immediately." Where the narrative takes them is south past Amecameca, then across Popocatepetl to Cholula and, finally, Tlaxcala, not the Pacific.

Someone else pointed out that Teotlaxco is the closest place name to Teotlixco, but is there any evidence that Teotlaxco's name was spelled differently in the past? Although it's in the right general direction for this journey, I suspect that it's not the same place.

On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Richley Crapo wrote:

> Is anyone on the list aware of a pre-Hispanic site named Teotlixco? If so, where was it located?
> Richley

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