
rick dosan rich_photos at YAHOO.COM
Wed Sep 8 21:54:42 UTC 2004

Tociahuiliz is translated as "nuestra voluntad" (our will) (Rojas, Vidas y Bienes Olvidados vol.3, p.288, CIESAS, 2000).  But in Simeon, under Ciauiliztli, I find the translation ""fatigue", not will.  Under cializtli, however, I find "Will".  In the text below, is tociahuiliz really "our fatigue", instead of "our will"?   Thanks,  Rich

...yhuan quimaxiltiliz yn notlatecpan ayac aquin quitlatzonhuiliz ma caxtiltecatl yn ma teopixqui yn ma altepetl ca huel tociahuiliz ca huel tonecocol yc otitoxinaxtique yn macihui quezquintin ychcame...

...que nadie la vaya a desbaratar, sea castellano, sea sacerdote o uno del pueblo,  ya que es por nuestra voluntad y no es por enemistad que venimos a criar cuantas ovejas...

let nobody destroy (my testament), whether they be Spaniards, or priest, or someone from the town, because it's of our will and not of enmity that we came to breed sheep...

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