Fwd: Re: Xolotl

Richley Crapo rcrapo at HASS.USU.EDU
Thu Feb 3 17:22:30 UTC 2005

Thanks for the added information.

>>> schwallr at morris.umn.edu 02/03/05 10:20 AM >>>
Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 05:13:07 -0800 (PST)
From: Michael Swanton <mwswanton at yahoo.com>

>Dear Richley,
>The Xolotl is kept in the Bibliothèque nationale de
>France, which is quite explicit in requiring
>authorization for the publication of documents they
>"Tout usage public de reproduction de documents
>conservés à la Bibliothèque nationale de France doit
>faire l'objet d'une autorisation préalable et de
>l'acquittement d'une redevance."
>I've worked with the BnF regarding publication of
>images from their collection on two occasions and have
>found them quite helpful, even if a little
>bureaucratic. You can also request images from them,
>which in my experience have been of excellent quality,
>certainly much better than those published in the 50s.
>I see that now its possible to request some images
>online (e.g. for the Xolotl:
>If you have questions you can always ask the
>institutions that curate the documents. They
>understand that "scientific" publications are
>worthwhile and benefit from these images but are not
>big money makers. You can also ask your editor.
>Mike Swanton

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