Pronunciation Questions

ANTHONY APPLEYARD a.appleyard at
Fri Feb 23 15:01:18 UTC 2007

Someone wrote:-
> 2.  The convention that we use here on the list is to place a colon
> following the long vowel (since many computer mail programs do not
> allow us to use character sets that include a macron), and use
>CAPS for stress.
> Examples:
> te:-MO-a: [long e, long a, stress on the mo] - to seek something
> or
> te-MO:-hua [long o, stress on the mo] - for descent to take place

At 04:35 PM 2/22/2007, Matthew Montchalin wrote:
>Hmmmm.  Well.  Okay.  Still, I think I've seen the colon used for a
>stop, such as the glottal stop, for instance.  I guess I'll have to
>keep track of your usage so I don't confuse it with anybody else's.
>Somehow, I'd much rather use an uppercase 'Q' for the glottal stop,
>if not a colon.

"John F. Schwaller" <schwallr at>  wrote:-
> The current convention for the glottal stop is to use the letter 
> -h-  Others use the question mark -?- The use of the -h- conforms to 
> what we call the modified Franciscan-Jesuit system.  The only 
> drawback is that for beginners in the language they think all -h- 
> occurrences are glottal stops, and we use the -h- in various 
> digraphs: -hu- for the "w" sound, and of course -ch-

Using uppercase Q for glottal stop would look strange and make the text
look like Klingon.


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