Question regarding the meaning of Inextlacuilolli

Huckert Chantal chuckert at
Wed Jul 4 23:05:41 UTC 2007

Can someone tell me what inextlacuilolli means. I had a question about acaxilqui but have found the answer in a discussion that the Nahuatl-list members had regarding it in April 2005. 
Thank you in advance,
Chantal Huckert

-----Original Message-----
From: nahuatl-bounces at on behalf of nahuatl-request at
Sent: Wed 7/4/2007 10:59 AM
To: Huckert Chantal
Subject: Welcome to the "Nahuatl" mailing list (Digest mode)
Welcome to the Nahuatl at mailing list! The list has been
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