Fwd: [Aztlan] copantl (was suspension bridge)

Campbell, R Joe campbel at indiana.edu
Sat May 19 22:37:50 UTC 2007

   Recently a discussion on the Aztlan list got into variation of 
"cuauhpantli", "cuappantli", and even a form "copantli" (referred to 
'bogus').  I sent the following message to Aztlan last night, and then 
today it occurred to me that the issue is of at least as much interest 
to people on the Nahuatl list, so:


    A good friend of mine speaks what I used to think was an impossible
Nahuatl dialect... and now I have changed my mind... now I think it's
just an unlikely Nahuatl dialect.  It, like a few other modern
varieties of Nahuatl, is not vanilla.  It's got a special flavor!  (not
that vanilla isn't a flavor)

    I still believe that Nahuatl likes penultimate stress and open
syllables and no consonant clusters inside a syllable.  But when a good
friend mine from Tlaxcala referred to a piece of cloth as
"tzotzo'mahtl", my ear's jaw dropped.  I knew that Nahuatl didn't
"like" consonant clusters within syllables and certainly not in word
final position.  In fact, a neighboring dialect to the east, San Miguel
Canoa, has a leftward stress movement in nouns:
(I use  '  to indicate stress on the preceding vowel because my
keyboard doesn't know any better.)

   tzotzo'mahtli           cloth
   co'yoctli               hole
   ma'tlactli              ten

and does the same thing on nouns ending in -li, with the accompanying
loss of the final 'i':

   ta'mal                   tamalli
   tla'xcal                 tortilla

   In the case of the first group of words (ending in -tli), the fact
that the 'i' is preceded by a consonant cluster impedes the vowel loss
(since the result would be an impossible pattern in Nahuatl: a
consonant cluster in word final position).

   However, as I found out, in the dialect of Xaltipan, Tlaxcala, the
vowel loss is more general:

   tzotzo'mahtl              cloth
   co'yoctl                  hole
   ma'tlactl                 ten
   xi'cohtl                  bumblebee
   te'lpochtl                youth
   a'tlahtl                  ravine  (some other dialects: atlauhtli)

Further, since absolutive suffixes don't always drop off possessed nouns:

   ite'mictl                 his dream
   ico'yoctl                 his hole

I would suggest that it is possible that "copantl" came from a dialect
like this one.  On the other hand, I think it more likely that it was
the result of the sort of distortion that results from imperfect
bilingualism -- something like the borrowing of "tomatl" as 'tomate'.




Examples of the 'uhp' /wp/ variation ('p', 'pp', and 'uhp):

*+wp>p ***
  cuapatlani     bolar por^arte en vn madero rollizo.  71m1-4
  tetepacholli   yapalehualiztli.  cardenal, se¤al de golpe.  71m2-6

*+wp>pp ***
  acuappanahuaztli.  puente de maderos; puente de madera.  55m-16
  cecuappitzahui   cecuappitzoa.  .  b.11 f.11
  cencuappantli.  .  b.2 f.3
  chichiconanappa.  cada nueue vezes.  71m2-4
  chichiconanappa   chiconappa.  nueue vezes.  71m2-4
  chiconappa   chiconappa chiconahui.  nueue vezes nueue.  71m2-4
  chiconappoalli.  ciento y ochenta.  71m2-4
  chiquippantlacatl.  man who displays wares on a large basket. b.10 f.4
  chiucnappoaltique.  .  b.12 f.5
  ciappoa , mo-.  she feels anguish.  b.2 f.9
  ciappoa , namech-.  I encourage you [pl.].  b.6 f.6
  ciappoaz , timo-.  you will be fatigued.  b.4 f.7
  ciappohuaz , quin-.  he will console them.  b.6 f.2
  cuacuappachoa , mo-.  wooden splints are pressed on.  b.10 f.9
  cuacuappitzahui   cuacuappixqui.  boyerizo; o vaquero; ganadero; o pastor; guardador de
    ganado mayor.  55m-2
  cuacuappoliuhqui.  animal mocho sin cuernos.  71m2-14
  cuappa , to-.  our hip.  b.10 f.7
  cuappachcentlaolli.  mayz leonado; maiz leonado.  55m-13
  cuappachcintli.  ; tawny colored ear of maize; tawny dried ear of
    maize.  b.2 f.2
  cuappachhuitzilin.  cinnamomeous hummingbird.  b.11 f.3
  cuappachihui.  it becomes tawny.  b.11 f.3
  cuappachihuiz.  it will fill up with trees.  b.6 f.1
  cuappachiuccic.  tawny colored.  b.11 f.27
  cuappachiuhqui.  choked with trees.  b.11 f.25
  cuappachiuhticac.  something which is choked with trees.  b.11 f.26
  cuappachiuhtoc.  it lies choked with trees.  b.11 f.26
  cuappachixcoliuhqui.  .  b.8 f.2
  cuappachmaxtlatl.  tawny colored breechclout; tawny-colored
    breechclout.  b.8 f.2
  cuappachnezqui.  tawny in appearance.  b.11 f.27
  cuappachoa , mo-.  splints are pressed; splints are pressed on. b.10 f.9
  cuappachoa , qui-.  he presses wooden slats on it; they fasten it
    firmly; they fasten it tightly.  b.11 f.15
  cuappachpaloni , tla-.  medium for dyeing something tawny.  b.11 f.11
  cuappachpapalotl.  .  b.11 f.10
  cuappachpipilcac.  .  b.2 f.5
  cuappachquiza.  ; it shows tawny.  b.11 f.4
  cuappachtentlayahualo.  .  b.8 f.2
  cuappachti.  it is tawny.  b.11 f.3
  cuappachtia   cuappachtia     quappachtia: 71m1].  hazerse pardo.  71m1-13
  cuappachtia.  it becomes tawny.  b.11 f.27
  cuappachtic.  tawny.  b.11 f.6
  cuappachtica.  .  b.11 f.22
  cuappachticatontli.  small and tawny.  b.11 f.10
  cuappachtilmatli.  tawny cape.  b.2 f.10
  cuappachtlalpilli.  .  b.8 f.2
  cuappachtli.  .  b.10 f.4
  cuappachtli.  color leonado, o medio morado.  71m2-14
  cuappachtli.  cuahuitl-pachtli; tawny.  b.2 f.2
  cuappachtototl.  squirrel cuckoo.  b.11 f.3
  cuappachyo.  .  b.8 f.3
  cuappachyotia , mo-.  it forms a tree of spanish moss.  b.11 f.11
  cuappalan.  rotten wood.  b.11 f.2
  cuappalcintli.  tan dried ear of maize.  b.11 f.27
  cuappallan.  rotten wood.  b.10 f.5
  cuappaltia     color.  71m2-14
  cuappan   cuappanahuaztli.  puente de madera.  71m2-14
  cuappanahuaztontli.  puente peque¤a desta manera; puente peque¤a assi.55m-16
  cuappanahuazyo.  .  b.11 f.25
  cuappantli.  cadera o quadril; puente de maderos; puente de madera; o
    quadril.  55m-2
  cuappantli.  hip.  b.10 f.7
  cuappantli.  puente de maderos.  71m1-18
  cuappantontli.  puente peque¤a desta manera; puente peque¤a assi. o
    quadril peque¤o.  55m-16
  cuappapaloyo.  .  b.8 f.2
  cuappatlachtli.  .  b.10 f.4
  cuappatlacyo.  having a design of flattened heads.  b.8 f.2
  cuappatlani   cuappatoa   cuappatoani.  jugador de axedrez.  71m2-14
  cuappatoliztli.  el acto de jugar al axedrez.  71m2-14
  cuappatolli.  axedrez; juego de axedrez.  55m-1
  cuappayac , to-.  end of our hip bone.  b.10 f.7
  cuappayacatl.  end of the hip bone.  b.10 f.7
  cuappayo.  .  b.11 f.25
  cuappazoltic.  like matted trees.  b.11 f.11
  cuappetlacalli.  arca; arca o caxa de madera.  55m-1
  cuappinoli [scribal error: printing error: quappinoli for
    quappinolli: 71m1].  asserraduras de madera.  71m1-3
  cuappitzactli.  palo delgado.  71m2-14
  cuappitzahui.  empedernecerse o pararse duro el pan o cosa assi;
    endurecerse el pan.  55m-7
  cuappitzahui , ni-.  I become numb.  b.11 f.25
  cuappitzahui   cuappitzahui   cuappitzahuiliztli.  aspereza assi; enuaramiento; enuaramiento assi. 55m-1
  cuappitzauhqui.  enertado assi; enuarado; persona enuarada o yerta;
    cosa aspera; crudia; o acucharrada; assi como tortillas secas. &c. o
    persona cence¤a y enxuta.  71m1-10
  cuappitzauhqui.  harsh.  b.10 f.6
  cuappitzoa   cuappitzoa   cuappitzolo , ne-.  .  b.11 f.11
  cuappitzpil.  .  b.11 f.11
  cuappitztic.  aspera cosa como vestidura; aspera cosa crudia como
    cuero o tortillas secas; aspera cosa; aspera yerudia cosa; assi como
    cuero; tortillas secas; &c.  55m-1
  cuappitztic [scribal error: no period after quappitztic: 55m].
    empedernido assi.  55m-7
  cuappitztic.  empedernido desta manera; enertado assi; lo mesmo es que
    quappitzauhqui.  71m1-9
  cuappitztic.  harsh; lean.  b.10 f.6
  cuappitztiliztli.  aspereza assi; aspereza tal.  71m1-3
  huappalotl.  .  b.11 f.10
  huappapalotl.  .  b.11 f.10
  icippa.  ma¤ana del dia.  55m-13
  ixcuappachtic.  tawny on the surface; tawny.  b.11 f.17
  ixquich Ìonappa.  nueue tanto.  71m2-4
  iyappalli.  .  b.11 f.24
  iyappalnenequi , m[o]-.  .  b.11 f.3
  iyappaltic.  ; dark green.  b.11 f.3
  iyappaltica.  .  b.11 f.24
  nanappa.  cada quatro vezes.  71m2-11
  nanappoalpa.  acada ochenta vezes, o cada ochenta vezes.  71m2-11
  nappa   nappa.  four times.  b.2 f.3
  nappoaltique.  .  b.12 f.5
  tecuappantli.  puente de arco.  55m-16
  teppachihui   teppacholiztli     henchir alguna cosa de poluo.  55m-7
  teteppachoani      71m2-23
  teteppacholiztica   teteppacholiztli      71m1-20
  teteppacholli   teteppachoqui   teteppoalli.  sacrificial paper.  b.2 f.9
  yappalchihua , ni-.  I make a dark green color.  b.11 f.24
  yappallalia , ni-.  I make a dark green color.  b.11 f.24
  yappalli.  color negro; negra cosa; prieto  {printing error in 1880:
    pietro for prieto}.  71m2-6
  yiappalaquia , nitla-.  I color something dark green.  b.11 f.24
  yiappalhuia , nitla-.  I make something dark green, I apply dark green
    to something.  b.11 f.24
  yiappalpoyahua , nitla-.  I blend something with dark green color.
     b.11 f.24

*+wp>wp ***
  acuauhpanahuaztli.  ponton puente de madera; ponton o puente de
    madera.  55m-16
  chalchiuhpetlacalco.  in a stone stone coffer.  b.2 f.14
  chiconauhpantli.  nueue rengleras o hileras.  71m2-4
  chiquiuhpepelli.  .  b.10 f.5
  ciauhpoa , mo-.  he feels weak.  b.12 f.1
  ciauhpoa , namech-.  I encourage you [pl.].  b.6 f.6
  ciauhpohuilia , tiquinmo-.  you show respect for them.  b.6 f.15
  ciauhpouhtihui , mo-.  they go exhausted.  b.1 f.2
  ciauhpouhtinemi , mo-.  they go about exhausted.  b.1 f.2
  ciauhpouhtoc , mo-.  .  b.6 f.1
  cuacuauhpixqui.  vaquero.  55m-19
  cuacuauhpoliuhqui.  animal mocho, sin cuernos; mocha cosa sin cuernos.
  cuauhpa , to-.  our hip.  b.10 f.7
  cuauhpachiuhqui.  pasted with eagle feathers.  b.2 f.9
  cuauhpachtia   cuauhpachtli.  leonado color.  55m-12
  cuauhpalanitech.  .  b.11 f.9
  cuauhpanahuaztli.  ponton puente de madera; ponton o puente de madera;
    puente de maderos; puente de madera.  55m-16
  cuauhpantli.  ponton puente de madera; ponton o puente de madera;
    puente de maderos.  55m-16
  cuauhpapazolli.  fibrous wood; matted trees.  b.11 f.11
  cuauhpatlani   cuauhpatolli.  iuego de axedrez.  55m-11
  cuauhpazoltic.  like a matted tree .ahd.  b.11 f.12
  cuauhpepechtli.  door sill.  b.11 f.12
  cuauhpetlacalli.  arca; caxa.  71m1-2
  cuauhpetlapan.  eagle warrior reed mat; on an eagle mat; on the eagle
    mat.  b.6 f.14
  cuauhpetlatl.  eagle mat.  b.6 f.17
  cuauhpiaztli.  ; eagle tube.  b.6 f.16
  cuauhpilli.  sapling; young tree.  b.11 f.11
  cuauhpinolli.  asserraduras de madera.  55m-1
  cuauhpipilti.  warrior noblemen.  b.9 f.1
  cuauhpitzahui   cuauhpitzahuiliztli.  aspereza tal.  71m1-3
  cuauhpixollo.  covered with wood.  b.11 f.26
  cuauhpotzalli.  bre¤a o maleza de monte; maleza o bre¤a.  71m2-15
  cuauhxiuhpazolli.  ramal o ramon.  55m-17
  elchiquipetlahua     desta manera.  71m2-5
  elchiquiuhpan , t[o]-.  in our chest; to our chest.  b.11 f.17
  elchiquiuhpetlahua     despechugarse.  55m-5
  elchiquiuhpetlahua   elchiquiuhpetlahua   elchiquiuhpetlahua   elchiquiuhpetlahua     71m1-8
  elchiquiuhpetlahua   elchiquiuhpetlahua     descubriendo los pechos.  71m2-5
  elchiquiuhpetlahualiztli   elchiquiuhpetlahuani      71m1-8
  elchiquiuhpetlauhqui   elchiquiuhpetlauhtli   huauhpalaxtli.  spoiled amaranth seed.  b.10 f.4
  huauhpixoa , ni-.  I sow amaranth.  b.11 f.27
  huauhpixoloz.  amaranth seed will be cast.  b.7 f.2
  huauhpozteco   huauhpoztecqui.  cogedor desta manera.  71m1-5
  huauhpoztequi , ni-.  I thresh amaranth.  b.11 f.27
  huauhpoztequi   huauhpoztequi     for uauhpuztequi     nauhpuztequi: 71m1].  coger bledos granados.  71m1-5
  huauhpoztequi     cenizos ya granados.  71m2-26
  huauhpoztequini.  cogedor desta manera.  71m1-5
  itlacauhpilo , o-.  she conceived, she became pregnant.  b.6 f.11
  ixayauhpachihuiliztli.  opacity of the eyes.  b.1 f.2
  ixayauhpachihuiztli.  .  b.10 f.8
  ixteuhpachihui     poluo.  71m2-8
  ixtlalteuhpipixcauhtiaz , t-.  .  b.4 f.7
  iyauhpohui.  .  b.11 f.17
  iyauhpohuiz.  .  b.11 f.17
  matlacuauhpitzahuac.  long thin pole.  b.2 f.1
  nenepilcuauhpachoa   teoxiuhpopoca.  .  b.11 f.22
  teteuhpachoa   teteuhpachoa     71m2-18
  teteuhpoalli.  sacrificial paper.  b.2 f.9
  tetzauhpilla.  .  b.2 f.14
  teuhpachihui   teuhpachihui   teuhpachoa   teuhpachoa   teuhpacholli   tlanauhpactihui.  .  b.4 f.11
  tlauhpoyahuac.  ; dark red.  b.2 f.2
  tlaxiuhpopouhqui   xiuhpachiuhtoc.  it lies choked with weeds.  b.11 f.26
  xiuhpetlahualoni.  turquoise-burnisher.  b.9 f.6
  xiuhpiltontli.  .  b.2 f.13
  xiuhpopoa , nic-.  I weed it.  b.11 f.26
  xiuhpopoa   xiuhpopoa   xiuhpopoaliztli     escardar algo.  71m1-7
  xiuhpopoaloni   xiuhpopoani   xiuhpopohualiztli   xiuhpopohualoni     sachuelo o escardillo.  55m-8
  xiuhpopouhqui     deseruador.  55m-8
  xiuhpopouhtli     71m2-25
  xiuhpopoxoa   xiuhpopoxoa   xiuhpopoxoani     desierua algo.  55m-8
  xiuhpopoxoliztli     55m-8
  xiuhpopoxolli     71m2-25

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