A project I'm about to give up on.

Kier Salmon k_salmon at ipinc.net
Fri Feb 29 01:18:19 UTC 2008

I will be in a presentation soon.  It involves an alternate timeline  
and an Tenochteca cihuapilli in the court of King Charles II (said  
alternate timeline!!)  I'd really like to give the little speech in  
Nahuatl, but after translating from English to Spanish (and seeing how  
much it changed -and all in indo european!-) and then trying to plug  
in nahua words... it's way beyond my scope of ability right now.
Is there anybody who'd be willing to get in touch with me and give me  
a hand?  If I have it correctly written out I can speak it correctly,  
but getting the grammar and finding all the words, no can do this  
week.  Otherwise I'm going to have to stick with "Nem Cihuapilli  
Apipiyalotl" and then let the interpreter say it all in English...  
which isn't as impressive.

Thank you.  Kier Salmon.

*text English*
I am Cihuapilli Apipiyalotl.  I have been the regent of Tenochtitlan;  
I have been the Lady of Tezcoco; I am the Ambassador of the Triple  
Aliance to the English people.
I have come, I have arrived, I am here.  I came from the mountains,  
the lake, the land beyond your Seas.  I have ridden, I have sail, I  
have driven to this Court.
I come to offer you the right hand of alliance, I come to ally us with  
you, I come to ask you to join us against the Caxtellani who block our  
access to the Seas.

*text Spanish*
Soy Cihuapilli Apipiyalotl.  He sido virrey de Tenochtitlan; He sido  
Señora de Tezcoco; Soy la Embajadora del Excan Tlatoloyan a los gentes  
He venido, he llegado, aqui esto.  Vine de las montañas, del lago, de  
la tierra mas alla de sus mares.  He cabalgado, he navegado, he  
viajado a este corte.
Vengo a offrecerles la mano derecha de una allianza, Vengo a pedirles  
que se unan a nosotros, Vengo a pedir su apoyo contra los  
Caxtillantecatl que bloquean la salida a los mares.
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