Sufijos de Posici ón

Paul Allen Hudson paul.hudson at
Thu Jul 29 20:22:35 UTC 2010

Hi all:

I'm trying to figure out the difference between the locative suffixes "in front of" and "behind" in the Náhuat of the Cuetzálan region of the sierra norte of Puebla. For each locative position, there are two suffixes:

        -ikpan  behind    ej. noikpan... behind me
         -lampa  behind    ej. kallampa...behind the house

         -ixpan  in front of    ej. front of me
        -tenoj  in front of    ej. front of the house

Thus far I haven't been able to figure out when to use one and not the other, except for sometimes one or the other does not sound as "correct." Is it a difference between animate and inanimate objects or possible between things that are stationary and things that aren't?

Paul Hudson

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