Chicomexochitl video

Campbell, R. Joe campbel at
Wed Nov 3 23:28:45 UTC 2010


   I *think* I've seen something somewhere sometime (maybe) that would 
help with my present problem, but who knows when my memory will start 
to function and help me with a solution, so I need help.

   You're probably familiar with "xopilli" (abstractly, since in 
principle it is inalienable and normally occurs with a possessive 
prefix): texopil, noxopil, etc.
And you may have visited the town of Tejupilco on the highway south of Toluca.
Again, my memory doesn't tell me whether the figure at the entrance to 
the town is a stone foot or (most likely) a big stone toe.

   But my question for y'all is whether you have seen "xopilli" used to 
mean 'scoop' (or derivations like "nicxopiloa", 'I scoop it').

Thanks in anticipation,


Florentine Examples:


1. auh in ihcuac ye tetlahuantiz, *coxopiloa* tetlahuanhuantica
     in octli,.
      and when they were to have someone drink, they dipped up
     the pulque with the drinking vessels. (b.2 f.12 p.196).


2. ic *coxxopiloa* in tletl, oncan conteca in iztac copalli,
     yehhuatl in tzihuaccopalli, in huel yaque in amo tlazollo,
     in amo teuhyo, in huel chipahuac,.
      with it they scooped up fire on which they spread white
     copal; this was the torchwood copal, the legitimate, the
     odoriferous, with no rubbish nor dirt; very clear. (b.9
     f.3 p.37).


3. quinamaca iztayahualli, *iztaxopilli*, iztacomitl, tilahuac
     chipahuac, nacatic, chimaltizatic, huelic, ahuiyac, nexcococ,
     chichic, itztoncuahuitl, acecec, acecepatic, poec, poeltic,
     poelpatic, popoyec,.
      he sells salt balls, salt bars, salt ollas -- thick, clean,
     full-bodied; like white chalk; of good taste, savory; tasting
     of lime, bitter... tasteless, insipid, salt, salty, very
     salty, briny. (b.10 f.5 p.84).


4. in *oconxopiloque*, niman ic contema copalli, ic hualquiza
     in iixpan diablo: anozo in ithualnepantla, in oncan icac
      when they had scooped them up, then they filled it with
     copal incense; with it they came forth before the devil
     or else in the middle of the courtyard, where the brazier
     stood. (b.2 f.12 p.193).


5. auh in teohua niman ye ic concui in atl xoxohuic xicaltica,
     auh in *ocoxopilo*, atl, ixpan commana,.
      and the keeper of the god thereupon took up water in a
     blue gourd vessel, and when he had drawn the water, he laid
     it down before [the figure of the god]. (b.3 f.1 p.8).


6. mani *quetzalxopilli*, coztic teocuitlayo,.
      [there was] a quetzal feather claw, with gold. (b.8 f.2


7. auh in ye iuhqui nec *quinxopiloa*, quincuitlaxeloa in quexquich
     calitic momantiquiz,.
      and when this happened, [the mexicans] fell upon them,
     they threw themselves upon them so that all speedily would
     be enclosed within them. (b.12 f.5 p.78).


8. auh in ihcuac ye no hualtetoca in cahuallosme, in ye no *quinxopiloznequi*,
     in ye quinyacatzacuiliznequi: ompa cacalactihuetzi in tiacahuan..
      and when the horse[men] followed after one, when they tried
     to kick them, when they tried to get ahead of them, the
     brave warriors each quickly entered. (b.12 f.7 p.108).


9. niman *quixopilotihuetzi* in tlexochtli, in tletl: niman contentihuetzi
     in iyauhtli, za mixcahuia:.
      then he quickly scooped up the burning embers, the fire;
     he then quickly put on yauhtli, only this did he do. (b.2
     f.9 p.150).


10. auh in icoanacoch itech pipilcac in huitznahuayotl, teocuitlatl
     xoxopiltic, *tlaxoxopiltectli*,.
      and from the serpent ear plug hung the golden ring of thorns,
     with toes -- cut in the form of toes. (b.12 f.3 p.52).


11. oncan in *tohueixopil* itzalan, in oncan nepanihui ezcocotli,
     oncan in mozoz, inic amo tlanahuiz, palaniz:.
      there between the great toe [and the second toe], there
     where the vessels join, it is bled in order that it may
     not worsen, [not] become festered. (b.10 f.9 p.161).


12. *toxopilomio*.
      our toe bone (b.10 f.7 p.128b).


13. *xopilcozque*,.
      he had a necklace of rock crystal. (b.1 f.2 p.36).


14. *xopilihui*.
      it is toe-like (b.10 f.6 p.99b).

15. *xopilihui*.
      it becomes toe-like (b.10 f.7 p.128b).


16. *xopilli*.
      toe (b.10 f.7 p.127a).

17. huei *xopilli*.
      big toe (b.10 f.7 p.127a).

18. huallatoquilia *xopilli*.
      following toes (b.10 f.7 p.127a).

19. *xopilli* intech tlahuicollotilo.
      it is looped to toes (b.10 f.7 p.127b).

20. *xopilli*.
      toe (b.10 f.7 p.128b).


21. *xopilnacatl*.
      flesh of the toe (b.10 f.6 p.96a).


22. ololtic, mimiltic, pechtic, apechtli, teololtic, patztic
     *xopiltic*, icxe, huicollo, piazyo xicalhuicolli, xicalapilolli,
     atlihuani, tlaihuani, tzohhuacalli, xicalpechtli, nematequilxicalli,
     achihualxicalli, xicaltecomatl,.
      [he sells them] round, cylindrical, flat-based, pointed-based,
     circular, constricted; with legs, feet, handles, spouts;
     [he sells] small pitchers, [ordinary] pitchers, vessels
     for drinking water, drinking vessels, atole vessels, shallow
     gourd bowls, gourd bowls for washing the hands, bowls for
     cacao, gourd jars. (b.10 f.5 p.78).

23. *xopiltic*.
      toe-like (b.10 f.6 p.99a).

24. *xopiltic*.
      toe-like (b.10 f.7 p.128a).

25. inin tezcatl, cequi yahualtic, cequi *xopiltic*: quilhuia
      of these mirrors, one is round; one is long: they call
     it acaltezcatl. (b.11 f.22 p.228).


26. hualxoxoleuhtiaz mapiltzatzapal, *xopiltzatzapal* in quizaquiuh:.
      it will cause it to be feeble; it will come forth with
     lamed fingers [and] toes. (b.6 f.12 p.143).

27. *xopiltzatzapal*.
      short-toed (b.10 f.8 p.137a).


28. *xopiltzontli*.
      hair of the toe (b.10 f.8 p.137a).


29. *xopilxocoyotl*.
      little toe (b.10 f.7 p.127a).


30. auh in icoanacoch itech pipilcac in huitznahuayotl, teocuitlatl
     *xoxopiltic*, tlaxoxopiltectli,.
      and from the serpent ear plug hung the golden ring of thorns,
     with toes -- cut in the form of toes. (b.12 f.3 p.52).

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