
jdcomegys at jdcomegys at
Wed Aug 3 15:59:45 UTC 2011

Perhaps someone can help me with the following:
Talvez alguien puede ayudarme con la sigiente:

totlc89 totlc89 8ax totlc89 totlc89 

Does anyone know why it repeats and what it means?
I think tototlic is with us or near us. I cannot read the suffix, or the word in the middle 8ax. 
What I have transcribed here as x actually has a bar across the top. 

?Conocen algien porque se repita o que significa?
Pienso que totlc es tototlic cerca de nosotros or con nostros. No puedo leer el sufijo, ni la palabra en la mitad del frase 8ax. 
Lo que he trascribio' como x tiene una linea encima. 

Thank you, Gracias

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