3 words from the Nican Mopohua

IDIEZ idiez at me.com
Thu Mar 8 01:40:54 UTC 2012

Piyali Susana,
1. tlamahuizol-li, “miracle“ + ti (ligature) + -ca (instrumental relational word, “with, by means of“). You could also say “ica tlamahuizolli.“
2. i- (third person sing. possessor) + toca-itl, “name“ + -yoh, “s.t. covered with, full of or having s.t.“ + -can (the short version is “place of“). So “place by (having) the name of Tepeyacac.“
3. to- (first person plural possessor) + cihuapil-li (noblewoman) tlahtohca- (combining form of tlahtoani; and when you combine the final l of the root of cihuapilli with the initial tl of tlahtohca-, you get ll) + -tzin (singular reverential ending). The final -tli has been dropped because the word is possessed.

On Mar 7, 2012, at 3:37 PM, Susana Moraleda wrote:

> Hola,
> In analyzing the Huei Tlamahuizoltica's front page, and the first paragraph of the Nican Mopohua, I remain puzzled by the construction of the following three words.
> Comes from the verb MAHUIZOA, converted into a patientive noun = TLAMAHUIZOLLI
> but.... what is the function of "TICA"? I can't conclude it being an instrumental verbal noun ("with the help of a miracle") or is it?
> I think TOCAYO(H) is a noun (with adjectival sense) derived from TOCAITL, but what is "CAN" doing at the end of the word?
> Apparently meaning "our queen", but literally I conclude it is "our-woman-noble(pricess)-name". Why "LA" after PIL? and why TOCA?
> Thanks for any help.
> Susana
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