
Tomas Amando Amaya Aquino t_amaya at
Sun Nov 25 02:59:38 UTC 2012

Mah xiyolpacto, John

The word used in Cuetzalan is *tatai (tlatlai*). It means "similar to" (in
Spanish: "parecido a"). E.g.: *Yn Xiuan nel in itatai ýn notatzin -->* Juan
de veras se parece a mi papá / John is really similar to my father. Other
example:* Nipitzotic ýn neh, nitahuanque ýn neh, nitatziuh ýn neh, huan yn
notelpoch Tomas yoolic huan yoolic mochihua notatai, huan ahmo
ýn nic-huelitta* --> I am ugly, a drunkard, a lazy one and I see that
Thomas, my son, little by little becomes like me and I do not like it.
Another example:* Yn ilhuicahtahtocayot yeh in itatai ýn cé-in
mostaza-xinachti ce tacat quicuic huan quitoocac ýn italpan*. Translation:
 "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a man took and planted
in his field" (Matthew 13:31, Bible, International Standard Version, 2008).
The similarity is not only related to the aspect, but rather to the "being"
(*iyeliz*) of the thing/person, hence the example of the Bible.
If you want to underline the aspect of the thing/person you have to use
ixihcui (ixyuhqui in NC) when the resemblance is related to the face, and *
ihcui* (yuhqui NC) if the resemblance relates to the whole
body, (external) aspect.
1) *Yn noconetzin Uliel, noixihcui* --> Uriel, my son, looks like me (in
relation to our faces)
2) Y*n "Monna Lisa nel in iihcui ýn Tonantzin Conchita*  --> The Monna Lisa
looks like the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception (named Conchita in
Tomas Amaya
2012/11/23 Campbell, R. Joe <campbel at>

> Nocnihuan,
>   I'm hoping for a helping hand with a Nahuatl word: itlatla.  As you can
> see in the examples from the Florentine Codex included below, it seems to
> mean, "similar to it" or "its imitation".  Assuming that the initial 'i'
> might be a possessive prefix, I have searched for "notlatla", "motlatla",
> "intlatla", etc. without success.  I would appreciate any comments about
> its derivation or relationships.
> Tlazohcamati de antemano,
> Joe
> itlatla
> 1.  huel iuhquin ayecotli. quitoa: quil *itlatla* in ayecotli.
>       [its seed] is just like fat beans; they say that it is some sort
>          of fat bean.  (b.11 f.13 p.132).
> 2.  quil *itlatla* in lechugas:
>       they say it is some form of lettuce.  (b.11 f.14 p.139).
> 3.  quil *itlatla* in xonacatl.
>       they say it is some kind of onion.  (b.11 f.14 p.139).
> 4.  *itlatla* in tonacayotl, huel iuhqui in toctli:
>       it is similar to the maize: just like the maize stalk.  (b.11
>          f.19 p.187).
> 5.  quitoa, *itlatla* in yiauhtli.
>       they say it resembles yiauhtli.  (b.11 f.19 p.197).
> 6.  xihuitl, ihyac, huelic, ahuiac, ahuixtic, poyomatic, *itlatla* in
>          poyomatli.
>       it is an herb, aromatic, of pleasing odor, fragrant; pleasing,
>          like the poyomatli, something like the potli.  (b.11 f.21
>          p.212).
> 7.  auh in cualli quetzalitztli, in amo zan *itlatla*, in nelli huel
>          yehhuatl: mitoniani, tlaihiyoanani; in mochichiqui:
>       and the good emerald-green jade -- not the imitation -- the
>          genuine [jade] attracts moisture; it attracts things when
>          rubbed.  (b.11 f.22 p.222).
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