<html><style>p {margin: 0px}</style><body style='font-size:9pt; font-family:Verdana; font-family: Verdana' ><STYLE>p {margin: 0px}</STYLE><P>From what I can remember from 25 years ago a common greeting was "panolti" and the most common farewell was "timotazque". But when I get home and can look at my notes I can elaborate on that.</P><P>David Gloster</P><P>-----------------------------------------------------</P><P>Nahua language and culture discussion <NAHUAT-L@LISTS.UMN.EDU> schrieb am 12.12.03 15:34:31:<BR><BR>I am finishing up the first semester with my Nahuatl students. They have<BR>asked for common salutations, greetings, and farewells. To be perfectly<BR>frank given the way I learned Nahuatl, I never learned these things. Would<BR>any of you be willing to share the "hellos", "Good byes" and "how ya<BR>doins" with us all? Ill collect them and post them on the web.<BR><BR>J. F. Schwaller<BR>List owner<BR><BR><BR>John F. Schwaller<BR>Vice Chancellor for Academic Af!
fairs and Dean<BR>315 Behmler Hall<BR>University of Minnesota, Morris<BR>600 E 4th Street<BR>Morris, MN 56267<BR>320-589-6015<BR>FAX 320-589-6399<BR>schwallr@mrs.umn.edu<BR><BR></P></body></html>