A simpler format for OLAC vocabularies and schemes

Gary Simons Gary_Simons at SIL.ORG
Thu Oct 31 13:31:44 UTC 2002

On rereading our posting this morning, I realized that there is one major
feature of the new approach that we failed to mention since we were so
focused on explaining extensions to DC metadata. That issue is how the
refinements that are already defined by DCMI will work.

In OLAC 0.4, we used a "refine" attribute for the names of refinements
defined in the Qualified DC recommendation. We made this up in the absence
of any recommendation from DCMI as to how this should be implemented. If
you look up the new DCMI documents referenced in the main posting, you will
see that they have now addressed this issue, and their solution is to treat
the refinements as tags in their own right, but they are from the "dcterms"
namespace, rather than the "dc" namespace.

Thus, this from OLAC 0.4:

   <title>Orginal title</title>
   <title refine="alternative">Translated title</title>

would be the following in OLAC 1.0:

   <dc:title>Original title</dc:title>
   <dcterms:alternative>Translated title</dcterms:alternative>

N.B. Since our new solution is an application profile, the 15 main metadata
tags (like title in this example) are in the Dublin Core namespace rather
than our own.  In the examples that Steven has posted in the /OLAC/1.0b1/
directory, the Dublin Core namespace is declared to be the default
namespace, so that the above is actually expressed as:

   <title>Original title</title>
   <dcterms:alternative>Translated title</dcterms:alternative>

Anyway, I thought I should point out this difference between OLAC 0.4 and
the proposed 1.0 since it, too, will have an impact on your implementation
of data providers.

-Gary Simons

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