LSA office hours

Heidi Johnson hjohnson at MAIL.UTEXAS.EDU
Mon Apr 3 20:15:06 UTC 2006

Jeff was just asking me if we should do office hours again at the 2007

LSA meeting, and I thought I might as well post to the whole group.

I do think we should do office hours again. We only got 3-4 visitors, but

that's 2 more than we got with the booth at Oakland, and it cost us

nothing but a few hours of our time. This year I'm going to put some

thought and effort into better signage, maybe bill these hours as a chance

to get help on any sort of technical issue. There were tripods here and 

there and of course plenty of fine walls, if I had only thought to make

and better signs and bring some tape, we might have gotten a bit more

traffic. Also, consistency is our friend - we want people to get used to 

coming to OLAC with their technical questions.


We actually had wireless access in the room we were in, thanks to leakage.

We can probably expect to have it next time, too... it would be nice to have

ready maybe some handouts with links to useful sites, and one about formats,

and one about 10 tips for texts or something like that....


My $0.02. Office hours are pretty lightweight, since I'm willing to sit

all by myself (poor me :-) if necessary. It's an excuse not to go to talks.





Heidi Johnson, PhD

Project Manager

The Archive of the Indigenous Languages of Latin America

1 University Station C3200

The University of Texas at Austin

Austin, Texas 78712


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