[parislinguists] Profil "post-doc" a l'UMR 7023

Clive Perdue (by way of Ora Matushansky <matushan@univ-paris8.fr>) matushan at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Thu Apr 7 10:34:29 UTC 2005

"Structures Formelles du Langage" (UMR 7023, CNRS & Université Paris 8, 
France) invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position on 
"Temporality : typology and acquisition"

  As a continuation of current research programmes on the expression of 
temporality by the acquisition group of UMR 7023, or within the project 
“Architecture of the sentence” under the auspices of the Fédération 
Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques, the UMR will start two new 
federative projects on temporality as from the autumn of 2005. The first 
will study the links between temporal and aspectual relations from 
typological-systemic, and (L1 and L2) acquisitional points of view, 
revisiting thereby the question of orders of acquisition in child and adult 
language acquisition. The central aspectual categories are the 
progressive-imperfectives, and different types of perfect. The second 
project will analyse the expression of plurality in an event’s Aktionsart 
and in the readings of grammatical aspect which imply a plurality of 
time-spans (iteratives, frequentatives, habituals, etc.). The research 
questions will ask firstly where grammatical aspect stops and Aktionsart 
modification begins, secondly, what the relations are between event and 
participant plurality, and thirdly, whether the complexity of different 
aspectual readings is reflected in acquisitional sequences.

The successful candidate will collaborate in one of the above projects. 
(S)he will have already undertaken research on temporality, be very well 
versed in current (formal and functional) theories of aspect and 
Aktionsart, and either work on languages other than French or English, or 
have experience of working with corpora of child or adult language 
production. Previous experience in sampling techniques or typological 
questionnaires and/or experience in data elicitation methods with child or 
adult language learners will also be taken into account.

Structures formelles du langage

Contact :
01 48 20 77 04

clive at univ-paris8.fr

Apologies for multiple postings.

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