Query: Anapher / Pronominal Reference Resolution

silvia ramirez gelbes sramirezgelbes at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 22 13:41:26 UTC 2006

Dear Susanna,
I´m sending you here a list of titles I have seen to write a paper on
coreference and Aktionsart:

Berman, S.teve./Hestvik, Arild, *Principle B, DRT and plural pronouns* en
http://www.uib.no/People/hfoah/papers/berman-hestvik.pdf, visitado en
octubre de 2004.

Comrie, Bernard, *Reflections on subject and object control*, J Semantics* *4
(1986), 47-65..

Comrie, Bernard, *Coreference and conjunction reduction in Grammar and
Discourse* in Hawkins, John (comp.), *Explaining Language Universals*,
Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1988.

Comrie, Bernard, *Towards a typology of reference-tracking devices* (mimeo),

Comrie, Bernard, *Reference-tracking: description and explanation*, STUF 51
(1998), 335-348.

Comrie, Bernard, *Pragmatic binding: Demonstratives as anaphors in
Dutch*, *General
Session and Parasession on Pragmatics and Grammatical Structure*, Berkeley,
Berkeley Linguistics Society. 2000.

Gordon, Peter et al., *Processing of reference and the structure of
language: an analysis of complex noun phrases*,. Language and Cognitive
Processes 14, 4 (1999), 353-379.

Harris, Catherine/Bates, Elizabeth, *Clausal backgrounding and pronominal
reference: a functionalist approach to c-command*, Language and Cognitive
Processes 17, 3 (2002), 237-269.

Kiparsky, Paul, *Disjoint refrence and the typology of pronouns* (mimeo) en
http://www.standford.edu/~kiparsky/Papers/anaph.hierarchies-t.pdf, visitado
en octubre de 2004.

Lasnik, Howard, *Remarks on coreference*, Linguistic Analysis 2 (1976),
1-22. (Citado por Harris/Bates 2002).

Nariyama, Shigeko, *Argument structure as another reference-tracking system
with reference to ellipsis*, Australian Journal of Linguistics 21, 1 (2001),

Roberts, John, *Switch-reference in Papua New Guinea. A preliminary survey*,
Papers in Papuan Linguistics 3 (1997), 101-241.**

I hope it will be useful.

Kindest regards from Argentina,


Silvia Ramírez Gelbes
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Universidad de San Andrés
sramirezgelbes at gmail.com
(5411) 4635 - 2439

2006/12/22, bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de <bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de>:
>   **********************
> Apologies for cross-posting
> **********************
> Dear all,
> Admittedly, that's really a very bad moment, 2 days for X-mas, to start a
> query, but all the same, I'm in hopes that some of you has the time or
> inclination to give me some hints.
> I'm interested in work on anapher resolution in both child and adult
> language, especially the former. There are lots of work done in the
> generative framework, related to binding and optimality theories and
> stuff.
> And I was wondering whether any of you know about work from the functional
> and/or cognitive perspectives. I'd be very grateful for any reference,
> regardless of the language studied and whether the study is based on
> expressive or receptive language, i.e., production or
> processing/comprehension/interpretation, or on experimental or
> naturalistic
> data.
> I'm especially interested in intra-sentential pronominal reference
> resolution, as in:
> (1) Peter washed him.
> (2) Peter washed himself.
> But also references on inter-sentential reference are wellcome, as in:
> (3) Jane likes Mary. She often brings her flowers.
> Many thanks in advance! I'm looking forward to receiving some hints from
> you, I'll post a summary if I get enough references and information.
> Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
> Best,
> Susanna
> Susanna Bartsch
> https://www.zas.gwz-berlin.de/mitarb/homepage/bartsch/
> bartsch at zas.gwz-berlin.de <bartsch%40zas.gwz-berlin.de>
> Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Typologie und
> Universalienforschung (ZaS)
> Centre for General Linguistics, Typology, and Universals Research
> Schützenstr. 18
> 10117 Berlin
> Germany
> Tel. +49 (0)30 20192562
> Fax +49 (0)30 20192402
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