Fw: Change of deadline, Hispanic Linguistics Symposium

Clara Romero ulysse21fr at YAHOO.FR
Mon Feb 27 18:47:02 UTC 2006

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joyce Bruhn de Garavito" <joycebg at uwo.ca>



The Hispanic Linguistics Symposium

(Formerly, “The Conference on the Acquisition of Spanish and Portuguese as 
First and Second Languages” and “The Hispanic Linguistics Symposium”)

October 20th to 22nd , 2006

The University of Western Ontario

Invited Speakers

David Heap, The University of Western Ontario
Conxita Lleó, Universität Hamburg
Pieter Muysken, Radboud University Nijmegen
Bill VanPatten, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lydia White,  McGill University
Karen Zagona, University of Washington

Papers are invited on original and unpublished research on all aspects in 
the domains of theoretical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and language 
acquisition of Spanish, Portuguese or other Iberian languages, including:

Acquisition of phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and the lexicon
Acquisition of discourse and pragmatics
Differences and similarities between L1, L2 and bilingual acquisition
Normal and impaired acquisition
Acquisition in language contact situations
First and second language attrition and loss
Acquisition in language contact situations
Classroom second language acquisition


Submission Guidelines

New Abstract deadline: March 20th, 2006.

Abstracts must be at most one page long on a letter-size sheet (8"'1/2 by 
11"') with one-inch margins and typed in at least 12-point font. An optional 
second page is permitted for data and references. Abstracts must be 

 Submissions are limited to 1 individual and one joint abstract per author 
or two joint abstracts per author.

Abstracts must be submitted as a PDF file and sent as an attachment to the 
following e-mail address: joycebg at uwo.ca

Please use 'Hispanic Linguistics Abstract' in the Subject header and include 
the information in (1) - (6), which should constitute the body of the 
message. Please make sure that all fonts are embedded.

Author Information
1. Name(s) of author(s)
2. Title of talk
3. Area of specialization
4. Affiliation(s)
5. E-mail address(es)
6. Postal address(es)

 For further information, contact the organizers:

Joyce Bruhn de Garavito   joycebg at uwo.ca
Elena Valenzuela evalenzu at uwo.ca


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