conf Matushansky

Lea Nash leanash at WANADOO.FR
Tue May 16 12:27:43 UTC 2006

L'UMR 7023 (SFL)
a le plaisir d'annoncer un exposé

Date : lundi 22 mai 2006
Lieu : Université Paris 8, Bâtiment D,  Salle 143, 93 Saint-Denis
Heure :   09:30-11:00
Métro : ligne 13, St-Denis--Université


How to be short: Some remarks on the syntax of Russian adjectives

Ora Matushansky


Russian adjectives come in two forms: the long one and the short one. 
Since short forms can appear only in the predicate position, it has been 
argued (Babby (1973, 1975), Bailyn (1994), Siegel (1976) and Pereltsvaig 
(2001), among others) that they are obligatorily attributive. In this 
presentation I offer new data in favor of this hypothesis and address 
three apparent counterexamples, where long-form adjectives do not behave 
like NPs. I will then discuss the fact that short-form adjectives are 
excluded from some predicate positions and propose a hypothesis 
motivating this exclusion.
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