seminaire reference Juin 13: Sortals

Friederike.Moltmann at UNIV-PARIS1.FR Friederike.Moltmann at UNIV-PARIS1.FR
Mon Jun 11 14:13:16 UTC 2007

Cher-e-s collegues,

Dans le cadre du séminaire sur la référence (IHPST) nous avons le plaisir
d'annoncer que la prochaine séance animé par Friederike:

June 13, 2007
13 rue du Four
75006 Paris

Sortals: Old and New Roles in Ontology and in Semantics

The notion of a sortal is of great importance both in ontology and in  
linguistic semantics. At the same time it is in need of conceptual  
clarification as well as novel empirical investigation.
       The notion of a sortal has a played a central role in ontology.  
For example, it has been held to be crucial for counting, for the  
identity of objects of a kind, for the persistence of objects through  
time, and it is cloesly related to the notion of an essence. The  
notion of a sortal has also be held to be important for reference  
(though less often so). The notion of a sortal finally is closely  
related to the distinction between nouns and adjectives.
       This presentatio has two goals:
First, it will give an overview over the central roles the notion of a  
sortal has played in metpahysical discussions and over the ways the  
notion might be clarified. Second, it will discuss in what way  
reference may have to involve a sortal and whether here is a major  
distinction between terms making use of a sortal and those that are  
sortal-free. A new range of data will be presented that show that in  
certain constructions sortals do play a crucial but new role for  
reference: leading to the formation of fully referential (as opposed  
to quasi-referential or nonreferential) terms, which semantically will  
involve various kinds of reification.
     The presentation will also be preparatory for the following  
session on  asjectives and nouns by Isabelle Roy.

Le programme du seminaire est affichee sur la page web du cours:

Friederike et Ora

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