annonce: Bare Nouns, Number, Classifiers and Determiners

Carmen Sorin carmen.sorin at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Mon Jun 11 18:52:43 UTC 2007

June 25th, 2007
LLF, Université Paris 7, salle à confirmer ultérieurement

The syntax of Bare Nouns: Number, Classifiers and Determiners

9h-10h Hagit Borer

10h-11h Jenny Doetjes
On the typology and status of count nouns and mass nouns

11h-11h30’ Coffee break

11h30-12h30 Isabelle Roy
Functional projection and nominal predicates

12h30-13h30 Lunch

13h30-14h30 Alain Kihm
Does Number head a syntactic projection?

14h30-15h30 Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin
Number and the parametrization of BNs

15h30-16h Coffee Break

16h-17h Jasper Roodenburg
Number, gender and countability: some notes on microvariation across 
Romance and Germanic languages

17h-18h Maria Teresa Espinal
Number neutrality and the interpretation of nominals in Catalan and Spanish

Atelier organisé par C. Dobrovie-Sorin

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