seminaire reference: M&M

Ora Matushansky matushan at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Fri May 18 18:52:57 UTC 2007

Cher-e-s collegues,

Dans le cadre du seminaire sur la reference (IHPST) nous avons le
plaisir d'annoncer que la prochaine séance du séminaire sera animee
par Ora Matushansky et Friederike Moltmann sur le theme suivant:
         Complex NPs: Numerals, measures and other possibilities

Horaires: mercredi le 16 mai 2007, 11h-13h
Lieu: IHPST, 13 rue du Four, 75006 Paris, metro Mabillon


Argument structure of nouns has mostly been studied on the basis of 
deverbal and deadjectival nominalizations, as in (1), or relational nouns, 
as in (2):
(1)	a.      Mary's awareness of danger
	b.      Sue's swift comprehension of the problem
(2)	a.      a possible solution of this complicated problem
	b.      the mother of the two girls I see in front of me
In this presentation we will discuss some issues arising in connection with 
NPs containing relational nouns whose internal argument partially 
determines the interpretation of the NP:
(3)     the possibility that this is wrong
(4)	a.      a handful of dust
	b.      a liter of water
We will consider the lexical semantics of such relational nouns and their 
relation to their intransitive use (5), the semantic type of their internal 
argument, and some finer details of the interpretation of such NPs.
(5)	a.      this possibility
	b.      The road is two kilometers long.

Le programme du seminaire est affichee sur la page web du cours:

pour Ora et Friederike

Ora Matushansky

CNRS - UMR 7023 (Université Paris 8)

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

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