Last Call for Papers -- ESSLLI 2008 Student Session

Patricia Cabredo Hofherr pcabredo at UNIV-PARIS8.FR
Mon Feb 4 10:08:36 UTC 2008

[apologies for multiple copies]

Last Call for Papers

4-18 August 2008, Hamburg, Germany

Submission deadline: 15 February 2008


We are pleased to announce the Student Session of the 20th European 
Summer School in
Logic, Language and Information to be held in Hamburg, Germany on 
August 4-15, 2008.

The aim of the Student Session is to give an opportunity to students at 
all levels (Bachelor-,
Master- and PhD-students) to present and discuss their work in progress 
with a possibility to get
feedback from senior researchers. Each year, 18 papers are selected for 
oral presentation and
a number of others for poster presentation.


The programme committee invites submissions of papers for oral and 
poster presentation and
for appearance in the proceedings. We welcome submissions with topics 
within the areas of
Logic, Language and Computation.

            *** Submission deadline: 15 February 2008 ***

The ESSLLI Student Session encourages submissions from students at any 
level, undergraduates
as well as postgraduates. Papers co-authored by non-students will not 
be accepted.
The Student Session papers should describe original, unpublished work, 
completed or in progress,
that demonstrates insight, creativity, and promise. No previously 
published papers should be submitted.


Student authors are invited to submit a full paper up to 7 pages 
inclusive of references. Note that the length
of the final version of the accepted papers will not be allowed to 
exceed 10 pages.

The preferred formats of submissions are PostScript or PDF, although 
other formats will also be accepted.
More submission details and all relevant information at:


Kata Balogh
ESSLLI 2008 Student Session chair

email: k.balogh at
tel.: +31 20 5254544
fax: +31 20 5254503
postal address:
Department of Philosophy
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Nieuwe Doelenstraat 15
1012 CP Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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