conf. Rathmann 4/5

Bridget Copley bridget.copley at SFL.CNRS.FR
Wed Apr 29 12:35:56 UTC 2009

Le programme "Temporalité: Typologie et Acquisition" (temptypac) de la
Fédération "Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques" du CNRS a le plaisir
d'annoncer un exposé:

"Three Patterns of temporal Interpretation in signed languages"

Christian Rathmann, Universität Hamburg

Date : lundi 4 mai 2009
Lieu : 59 rue Pouchet, salle 159
Heure : 14h30-17h00
Métro : ligne 13, Guy Moquet ou Brochant; ligne C, Porte de Clichy

Un plan d'accès se trouve à :

Vous pouvez consulter le site web de temptypac à :

Résumé :

In the absence of aspectual morphemes in (tenseless) sign languages,  
the temporal schema of a sentence d
etermines its temporal interpretation based on a number of pragmatic  
defaults. There are three major patterns of temporal i
nterpretation, each of which comes with its own pragmatic principles:  
deictic, anaphoric and narrative. Each one is
characteristic of a certain discourse mode. Discourse mode is a way of  
structuring the text depending on its function (Smith 2003).
In my talk, I will illustrate these patterns of temporal  
interpretation in tenseless sign languages and argue that the patterns  
universally available and independent of (a) whether there is a tense  
system and (b) whether it is modality-specific ( auditory-
vocal and visuo-gestural modalities).
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