conf A.BACHRACH ArchiG séminaire

Léa Nash leanash at WANADOO.FR
Tue Feb 10 14:59:27 UTC 2009

L'équipe ARCHITECTURE GRAMMATICALE de l'UMR 7023 a le plaisir de vous  
convier dans le cadre de son séminaire mensuel

le lundi 23 février 2009
10h00-12h00, Université Paris VIII, 2, rue de la liberté, 93200 Saint-
Denis (métro Saint-Denis Université, ligne 13), bâtiment D, salle D

à une conférence de

ASAF BACHRACH (INSERM-CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit)


Inference and exact numerical representation in early language  

Vous trouverez ci-joint le résumé et les articles clés à consulter  
avant la conférence.

joint work with David Barner (UCSD)
How do children as young as 2 years of age know that numerals, like  
one, have exact
interpretations, while quantifiers and words like ado not? Previous  
studies have argued that only
numerals have exact lexical meanings. Children could not use scalar  
implicature to strengthen
numeral meanings, it is argued, since they fail to do so for  
quantifiers (Papafragou & Musolino,
2003). Against this view, we present evidence that children’s early  
interpretation of numerals
does rely on scalar implicature, and argue that differences between  
numerals and quantifiers are
due to differences in the availability of the respective scales of  
which they are members.
Evidence from previous studies establishes that (1) children can make  
scalar inferences when
interpreting numerals, (2) children initially assign weak, non-exact  
interpretations to numerals
when first acquiring their meanings, and (3) children can strengthen  
quantifier interpretations
when scalar alternatives are made explicitly available.


Wynn, K. (1992). Children’s acquisition of number words and the  
counting system. Cognitive
Psychology, 24, 220–251.

Musolino, J. (2004).  Cognition, 93(1), 1-41.

Condry, K., & Spelke, E. S. (2008). The development of language and  
abstract concepts:The
case of natural number. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,  
137, 22-38.

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