Conf érence de Edit Doron "Adjectival Passive and Voice"

faustista faustista at YAHOO.COM
Fri May 14 07:41:54 UTC 2010

Dans le cadre du projet
Structure Argumentale et Structure Aspectuelle de la Fédération TUL (FR 2559)
(faisant partie du Séminaire Structure Argumentale et Structure Aspectuelle)

Edit Doron

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Adjectival Passive and Voice

DATE : lundi 17 mai 2010
HEURE : 9h30-12h
LIEU : Salle D 143,
Bâtiment D, Univ-Paris 8

METRO: St Denis Université
Plan d'accès sous

 Adjectival-passive and Voice
 Edit Doron
 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
All Hebrew adjectival passives are derived from the root by one of the three
existing verbal templates: Simple (S), Intensive (I), Causative (C). The
present paper discusses an asymmetry found within these templates. Adjectival
passives derived by the S and I templates denote a state predicated of their
 argument, irrespective of the stative/ eventive nature of the corresponding
 verb. Adjectival passives derived by the C template similarly denote a state,
 but only for corresponding stative verbs; for eventive verbs, their denotation
 involves quantifying on a causing event and on an additional (external)
 argument. This asymmetry is puzzling because the templates are otherwise
 similar in that all three can derive transitive verbs with external arguments.

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