How Flexible are Lexical Categories? October 4-6, ENS

Neiloufar Family neiloufar at GMAIL.COM
Sat Sep 18 10:13:12 UTC 2010

International Conference on Polycategoriality
Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches
October 4-6, 2010
Ecole Normale Supérieure
Salle des Actes (4 oct) Salle Dussane (5 et 6 oct)
45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris

After three years of exploration into the issues of Polycategoriality,  
the POLYCAT group is pleased to announce its closing conference. Our  
international group and researchers worldwide will reunite in Paris to  
present findings from diverse languages from Amerindian, African,  
Austronesian, Papuan, to Indo-European, in order to provide a  
comparative and pluridisciplinary approach to fundamental issues in  

Presentations will reflect different theoretical positions within  
various linguistic fields : morphosyntax, semantics, cognition,  
language acquisition, anthropological linguistics, and more.

Questions addressed include:
·       Are lexical forms always specified for category? if so, at  
what level of grammatical representation?
·       Do levels of category specification vary across languages?
·       What are the semantic correlates of category indeterminacy or  
·       Is a category label part of the mental representation of roots  
or words?
·       What kind of evidence does morphosyntactic development in  
language acquisition provide for the study of category determination?  
Is there significant variation across languages?
·       What is the relation between category acquisition and the  
acquisition of ontological types of events and entities?
·       Does polycategoriality facilitate or otherwise affect lexical  
productivity and creativity?

Invited Speakers
Ruth Berman, Tel Aviv University
Melissa Bowerman, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Denis Creissels, Université de Lyon 2
Marianne Mithun, University of California at Santa Barbara
Alain Lemaréchal, Université de Paris VI
Eva Schultze-Berndt, University of Manchester

POLYCAT Speakers
Cédric Becquey, LPP, Cnrs & Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Richard Carter, Institut Jean Nicod, Cnrs, Ehess & Ens
Bruna Franchetto, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Françoise Kerleroux, Modyco, Cnrs & Université de Paris Ouest La Défense
Alain Kihm, Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle, Cnrs & Université  
Ximena Lois, Institut Jean Nicod, Cnrs & Ehess & Ens
Barbara Pfeiler, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Marcia Haag, Oklahoma University
Francesca Merlan, Australian National University
Aurore Monod Becquelin, Lesc, Cnrs & Université de Paris Ouest La  
Christophe Parisse, Modyco, Cnrs & Université de Paris Ouest La Défense
Mara Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Valentina Vapnarsky, Lesc, Cnrs & Université de Paris Ouest La Défense
Edy Veneziano, Université Paris Descartes

Round table
Elsa Gomez-Imbert, Institut Français d’Etudes Andines
Harriet Jisa, Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage, CNRS & Université Lyon
Claire Moyse-Faurie, Lacito, Cnrs & Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris III

Download the PDF of the program here:
How flexible are lexical categories?
Ecole Normale Supérieure (Salle des Actes & Salle Dussane), Paris,  
October 4-6, 2010
Monday, October 4th
9h00-9h30      Welcome and Registration
9h30-10h00    Introduction
10h00-11h15   Marcia Haag, Can Roots be POLYcategorial?  The Case for  
the Number Two
11h15-11h30  Coffee
11h30-12h45  Mara Santos & Bruna Franchetto, The Emergence of Nouns  
and Verbs in Kuikuro Language and Children´s Speech
12h45-14h00   Lunch
14h00-15h15  Cedric Becquey, Ximena Lois, Aurore Monod Becquelin, &  
Valentina Vapnarsky, Processes and Levels of Lexical Categorizations  
across Mayan Languages
15h15-16h30  Barbara Pfeiler, Acquisition and Comprehension of Nouns  
and Verbs in Yucatec Maya
16h30-16h45  Coffee
16h45-18h00  Marianne Mithun, Conversion and Polycategoriality:  
Categorical Distinction or Cline of Productivity?
18h00-19h30  Welcome Cocktail

Tuesday, October 5th

9h00-10h15    Alain Kihm, Categoriality as an interface phenomenon: a  
comparison of Arabic, French, and Wolof
10h15-11h30  Denis Creissels, The Flexibility of Lexical Categories in  
Mandinka (Mande)
11h30-11h45  Coffee
11h45-13h00  Alain Lemaréchal, Typologie et Abstraction: le Cas de la  
13h00-14h30  Lunch
14h30-15h45  Françoise Kerleroux, (CANCELLED)
14h30-15h45  Christophe Parisse & Edy Veneziano, The Emergence of Noun  
and Verb Categories in the Acquisition of French: Evidence from  
Production and Comprehension
15h45-16h00  Coffee
16h00-17h15  Ruth Berman, Acquisition of Word Classes:  Hebrew-based  
and Cross-Linguistic Perspectives

Wednesday, October 6th

9h30-10h45    Francesca Merlan, Child Language Acquisition and  
Categoriality: Evidence from Ku Waru, Western Highlands, Papua New  
10h45-11h00   Coffee
11h00-12h15  Eva Schultze-Berndt, The Curious Case of Nonverbal  
"verbs": on the Multifunctionality of an Open-class Category in  
Northern Australian Languages with Closed Verb Classes
12h15-14h00   Lunch
14h00-15h15   Melissa Bowerman, Discussion on Language Acquisition
15h15-16h30  Richard Carter, What have We Learned, and What do We Need  
to Do to Learn More about Lexical Categories?
16h30-16h45  Coffee
17h00-18h30  Round Table  (Claire Moyse-Faurié, Elsa Gomez-Imbert,  
Harriet Jisa & participants)
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