Workshop 'Bare Nouns and Genericity - Noms nus et g énéricité' - programme

marta donazzan martadonazzan at HOTMAIL.COM
Wed Sep 22 22:08:39 UTC 2010

veuillez trouver ci-joint le programme de la conférence 'Bare Nouns and Genericity - Noms Nus et Généricité', qui se tiendra le 7 et 8 octobre prochains à l'Université Paris 7, dans les locaux de le University of Chicago Center in Paris.
International workshop  
« Bare Nouns and Genericity – Noms Nus et Généricité »
Université Paris Diderot – Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle 
October 7th-8th  2010

Conference Program
FIRST DAY - Thursday, october 7th


Welcome to the participants

9h15- 10h15

Invited speaker
Henriette de Swart
(Universiteit Utrecht)
Telicity features of Bare Nominals


10h30- 11h15

Brenda Laca
(Université Paris 8)
Generic and existential objects


Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin & Marcelo Ferreira
(CNRS/Université Paris 7 &  Universidade de São Paulo)
Building number neutral NPs

-Lunch Break-


Lusine Yeghiazaryan
(Universidade de São Paulo)
Pseudo-incorporation of Bare Singulars in Armenian


Gerhard Schaden
(Université Lille 3)
Bare Nouns in German


Tomoko Yasutake
(Aichi University of Education)
The Referential and Discourse-Pragmatic Properties of Bare Nouns in Japanese



Ileana Paul
(University of Western Ontario)
On the scope of bare nouns


Invited Speaker
Mark Baker
(Rutgers University)
On why bare NPs must be adjacent to the verb

SECOND DAY - FRiday, october 8


Invited Speaker
Anne Zribi-Hertz & Loic Jean-Louis
(Université Paris 8)
Naming and genericity in the DP: some questions from Martinique creole


Roberta Pires de Oliveira
(Universidade Federal de Santa Caterina)
On bareness in Brazilian Portuguese and the down operator

Linda Badan & Marta Donazzan
(Universiteit Leiden & Université Paris 8)
Mandarin NPs and durative/iterative modifiers: exploring the syntax-semantics interface
         The workshop will be held at the University of Chicago Center in Paris
         6, rue Thomas Mann, Paris 75013
         M°: Bibliothèque François Mitterand (14, RER C); Quai de la Gare (6)
         Bus  64, 325 :  Bibliothèque François Mitterand

Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin  (LLF UMR 7110 - CNRS/ Université Paris Diderot)
Marta Donazzan (Université Paris 8/ SFL UMR 7023 – CNRS)              

         We gratefully acknowledge the support of:
·  Project CAPES/COFECUB 2008- 2012 'Bare Nouns in Brazilian Portuguese at the syntax-semantics interface' – Université Paris Diderot – Universidade Federal de Santa Caterina (project leaders: Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin/Roberta Pires de Oliveira)
·  Project 'Le calcul de la référence nominale dans les langues avec et  
sans articles' Fédération ‘Typologie et Universaux Linguistiques’ (CNRS FR 2559, project leaders : Patricia Cabredo Hofherr & Anne Zribi-Hertz) 
·  Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (CNRS UMR 7110)
·  UFR de Linguistique, Université Paris Diderot- Paris 7



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