seminaire impersonnels Patricia Cabredo Hofherr Paris 8

elenasoleil soarelena at GMAIL.COM
Tue Oct 4 13:28:38 UTC 2011

Les projets de la Fédération TUL

Structure Argumentale et Structure Aspectuelle

Langues avec Articles – Langues sans Articles

et l'UMR 7023 Structures Formelles du Langage – Equipe
Architecture Grammaticale

ont le plaisir de vous inviter à un exposé de

Patricia Cabrebo Hofherr (UMR 7023 Structures Formelles du Langage)

« Il pleut / Ca pleut : demonstratives with impersonal predicates

Date : le 10 octobre 2011

Heure : 10h30 – 12h30

Lieu :  Université de Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint Denis, salle D143

Plan d'accès :,672.html


Some languages but not others allow the alternation of the unmarked
weather pronoun
with a second pronoun belonging to the demonstrative paradigm
(1) fr: il / ça pleut
(2) all: es /das regnet
(3) angl : it /*that rains

The emphatic alternation between expletive and weak deictic subject is
also attested for other constructions such as smell- and sound-emission
verbs, situational adjectives and other predicates.
In this talk, I will address two questions

1. - Do the impersonal constructions that allow alternations form a
natural class?
2. - How can cross-linguistic variation with respect to this alternation
be explained?

On the basis of comparative Germanic data, I will argue that several
types of impersonal constructions have to be distinguished.
I will also argue that the variation concerning the alternation with
weather verbs can be traced
back to a difference in feature content between the deictic pronouns in
French, German and English.

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