s=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=E9minaire_?=Professor Chungmin Lee

L. M. Tovena tovena at LINGUIST.JUSSIEU.FR
Thu Dec 13 09:51:52 UTC 2012

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter au séminaire que le Professeur  
Chungmin Lee de l'Université de Seoul donnera demain à l'UFR  
Linguistique de l'Université Paris VII.

Lieu :
UFR Linguistique
Université Paris VII
salle 1D23, 1er étage
175, rue du Chevaleret
75013 PARIS,

Date :
Vendredi 14 décembre 2012

Heure :
14h -- 15h30

Titre :
Evidentiality, Psych Predicates and the First Person

Résumé :
Evidentiality, Psych Predicates and the First Person

Chungmin Lee

clee at snu.ac.kr, http://plaza.snu.ac.kr/~clee

A quarter of the world languages including Korean have evidential  
affixes rather than words as in French and English. The nature of the  
direct evidential marker –te in Korean is examined in terms of the  
first person speaker’s direct perceptual perspective and a shift of  
perspective to the speaker-to-be in interrogative sentences, unlike  
indexicals. Next, psych predicates including predicates of personal  
taste (PPTs) is explored to show why (1) “Marie est étourdi [dizzy]”  
in the PRESENT tense is innocuous whereas its counterparts in Korean  
and Japanese are unacceptable. At speech time, the first person  
speaker has no way of knowing other persons’ psych states and  
naturally without ‘I just saw her turning in circles’ or ‘I just heard  
from/about her’ preceding or accommodated as an evidence acquisition  
event (ee.a) (1) even in French and English is bad. If the Stimulus  
argument is topical, its PPT tends to be generic. The Experiencer  
argument, implicit or explicit, starting as the first person speaker,  
may be part of a proposition rather than a judge parameter added to  
the world-time index. The direct evidential is compatible with psych  
predicates in the first person Topic/subject sentence as subjective  
elements. Brain processes are 3rd person data (Chalmers 2010, 1995)  
and even if I am observing Marie’s dizziness in the brain I cannot  
utter (1) felicitously. Korean and Japanese are more faithful to first  
person data and French and English are more flexible to a series of  
evidence acquisition events (or possibly simulation limitedly). 


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