Fwd: saving the department of French at Leiden University

Paul Waltraud Waltraud.Paul at EHESS.FR
Mon Feb 27 11:46:17 UTC 2012

Chères et chers collègues, 
Je vous transmets le message ci-dessous que j'ai reçu de la part de Johan Rooryck (entre autres éditeur de la revue Lingua). Il s'agit de sauver le département français de l'Université de Leyden. 
J'ajoute - peut-être inutilement - aux explications de Johan (la pétition est en néerlandais) que le bouton jaune "ondertekenen" en bas des champs à remplir veut dire "signer". 
Merci d'avance de signer et faire circuler cette pétition 
Waltraud Paul 

----- Mail original -----

De: "Johan Rooryck" <j.e.c.v.rooryck at hum.leidenuniv.nl> 
Envoyé: Lundi 27 Février 2012 12:16:09 
Objet: saving the department of French at Leiden University 

Dear all, 

I am writing you to ask you to please sign the petition that goes below to save the department of French at Leiden University, which is the department that I work in. 

Our dean has expressed the intention to eliminate the departments of French, Italian and German in order to better profile the Faculty of Humanities in an orientation towards studies of the world beyond Europe (as if French were not spoken outside of Europe). The decision to eliminate French is not based on fiscal considerations, since the department is solvent and brings in lots of outside research funds. 

Since the elimination of the department of French will seriously hamper the future of (Romance) linguistics at Leiden University, I would like to ask you to please sign the petition below. Although it is in Dutch, the various things requested are rather straightforward: you fill in your name, function and location, and you will receive a mail that asks you to confirm ('bevestigen' in Dutch). 

Many thanks for your help, 

Johan Rooryck 

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