"Nominalization and corpus studies" : new deadline (May 21, 2012)

Marie Laurence Knittel Marie-Laurence.Knittel at UNIV-NANCY2.FR
Fri May 11 10:42:18 UTC 2012

*Workshop: Nominalization and Corpus studies (Nominalisations et Corpus)*

*Nancy (France), September 6-7, 2012*


*Call for Papers***

*New Deadline : May 21, 2012*

Nominalizations are an important research topic at the crossroad of 
morphology, syntax and semantics. For example, the question of the 
inheritance of verbal properties (aspect and argument structure) by 
deverbal event nominals has drawn the attention of many researchers. 
Other deverbal nouns (agents, patients, instruments, etc), deadjectival 
nominalizations, stative nouns and their characteristics, as well as 
result nominals also constitute important fields of research.

The aim of the Workshop "Nominalisations et Corpus" (Nominalization and 
Corpus studies) is to contribute, by the means of corpus studies, to a 
better understanding of these phenomena.

. 2 pages maximum, references included, A4, Times 12; margins: 1,5cm, 
(1500 words).

.**4-5 keywords

. Submissions can be in English or in French.

. Submit online: http://www.atilf.fr/nomico2012/soumissions.php

. Contact: nomico at atilf.fr <mailto:nomico at atilf.fr>.**

For a more detailed call for papers, the submission form and other 
information, see http://www.atilf.fr/nomico2012

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