seminaire Paris 8 22 oct - Oana Savescu

elenasoleil soarelena at GMAIL.COM
Mon Oct 15 18:29:28 UTC 2012

Désolée pour l'erreur dans l'orthographe du nom - Oana Sàvescu
(et pour les envois multiples)
Les projets Structure Argumentale et Structure Aspectuelle, Langues avec et Sans Articles
et l'Equipe Architecture Grammaticale de l'UMR 7023 Structures Formelles du Langage
Ont le plaisir de vous inviter, dans le cadre d'une séance réunie

à un exposé de 
Oana Săvescu Ciucivara
(Université de Venise & Université de Bucarest)

Titre :
On Re-prefixation in English and Romanian

Date : le 22 octobre 2012
Heure : 10h00
Lieu :  Université de Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint Denis, salle D328
Plan d'accès:,672.html

Talmy (1985) proposed that English and the Romance languages differ in that the latter generally express "path" in verb roots, whereas the former expresses "path" in satellite morphemes such as prepositions. In this talk, we present novel data from Romanian re- prefixation, arguing that it provides support for a structural difference between certain English and Romanian constructions with put and related verbs. This difference necessitates a syntactic approach to both re- prefixation and to Talmy's distinction between Romance and English "path" incorporation. We argue that in Romanian, like in English, re- scopes syntactically over the direct object DP and semantically selects a change of state.  The contrast is argued to be due to the existence in Romanian of a "path" component on causative little v. In English, the "path" component of put - constructions must be expressed with a small clause, making re- prefixation impossible (cf Marantz 2009).

Marantz, Alec. 2009. Resultatives and re-resultatives: Direct objects may construct events by themselves. Paper presented at the PLC. 
Talmy, Leonard. 1985. Lexicalization patterns: semantic structure in lexical forms. In 
Language Typology and Syntactic Description, ed. Timothy Shopen, 57–149. Cam- 
bridge: Cambridge University Press.

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