Seminaire SFL Lorraine Leeson, Passive in Irish SL, 16 juin 2014, 10h UPS Pouchet

Patricia Cabredo Hofherr [parislinguists] parislinguists at YAHOOGROUPES.FR
Wed Jun 4 13:41:46 UTC 2014

L'UMR 7023 a le plaisir de vous inviter, dans le cadre de son séminaire
à un exposé de

*Lorraine Leeson (Trinity College Dublin)**

*Exploring the cognitive underpinning in the construal of passive events **
**in Irish Sign Language (ISL)* (travail joint avec *John I. Saeed*) 

Date : lundi 16 juin 2014
Heure : 10h-12h
Lieu :CNRS Pouchet -- salle 159
           59 rue Pouchet 75017 Paris

Plan d'accès:<,672.html> 

Page du séminaire de l'UMR 7023 - SFL:,50-.html

*Exploring the cognitive underpinning in the construal
of passive events in Irish Sign Language (ISL)*

Lorraine Leeson and John I. Saeed

This paper explores the construal of passive events in Irish Sign 
Language (ISL),
providing an overview of the range of environments where passive 
occur in the language, outlining the functional features of these 
and considering their cognitive underpinnings.
We begin by considering the function of passive constructions, drawing
on the cognitive grammar claim that speakers and signers
"/can shape and construe a conceived situation in alternate ways/"
(Langacker 1990: 213). While traditional analyses of signed languages
have suggested that active constructions are normative and
passive constructions do not seem to exist, following Janzen et al.
(2001) we argue for the existence of passive constructions in
Irish Sign Language and suggest that there is a cognitive underpinning
to their construal. We provide examples from the Signs of Ireland corpus.

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